Now you maybe asking why in the world is the meaning of the photo! Well, I'm a walking dead fan. So yeah... Watch it! The new episode... you know. I don't wanna spoil it. So watch it!
O my gosh I have a follower. Celebrate peeps! Anyhow, please help this book (by yours truly) to make it a better book!
I would appreciate comments that you know, might help this book's faith.Haza
Move on.
I do not own PJ
Athena POV
I strolled down the streets of the rebuilt Olympus. Festivals spread here and there, and splendid buildings encompassed the area. Lamborghinies (Is that how you spell it?) Zooming faster than the speed of sound, past through the well built rodes.
A few hundred gods and goddesses danced around with there long togas, or silk dresses. A few men were drinking up cold goddy beer that could make them look like a drunk sailor.
It was a wreck to behold.
But as I passed down the bussy streets, I spotted the Silver, hut that didn't seem to fit Olympus' majestic nature.
It was a three-story temple composed with silver, iron, and Starling Copper (a godly substance much like copper, but the color silver, and as just as strong as Celestial Bronze.)
I rememmbered when Hephaestus and me were working this temple three and a half millenia ago when once, one of the youngests gods, had lived. Now she's a 4000 year tough cookie.
A had come to this place many times in hope to be able to visit my sister, the one that lived in this Silver palace. But rarely does she stay on Olympus.
But now, I didn't need to hope that I could visit her, I just had to hope that she is in a fine state.
I hope Artemis is okay.
-------Line break---------Nope she was not okay.
In fact, I can't even write down her... injuries.
It's too grim to be true.I closed the door of the Silver
hut, shutting it as silently as possible. Shaking a bit, I walked a few meters before teleporting of to the Throne Room.-
I sat on my designated throne, a simple white marble throne entertwined with gems found only in the most special of places.
I waited for the others to come.
As expected, the similar thunderous boom of light emmited at the center of the throne room. As the light recided, the god of thunder, and his wife, my mom, plopped on their godly sits.
More awful flashes of light popped as more and more of the ten gods gathered in the throne rooms.
I waited impatiently, awfully eager to hear the new news. Their was barely anything happening during the last 50 years, of course, until their was the time Apollo did something two days ago...
I sighed as everyone finally sat on there respected sits. It was the usuall throne room gathering.
Dionysus is drinking like a madman.
Hermes was picking his nose.
And talking to his snakes.
And sneezing. (Which is his only way to dab.)Aphrodite was doing her perfectly trimmed nails.
Ares was sharpening his ugly sheild.
And his ugly spear.Hestia was tending her precious green flames.
PERCY JACKSON: The Hero Returns
FanfictionOne man One tragic ending One army One impossible quest One hero Hundreds that betrayed, One hero Millions that will kill, One hero Billions will be served by, One hero One story Two prophecies And one man