chapter 8

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     "I know I know Rami, I understand that it's been a week and were still in the news and I know that you don't want us to be but we can't do anything about it. All we can do is lay low and hope that Kim Kardashian post another nude selfie or something so we get out of the news." I chuckle and I know Rami even though he's in a bad mood he's smiling at my comment, I can feel it. "How about this, we have a big date tonight it's friday and I have no where to go tomorrow. We both can get dressed up and I make a fancy dinner and we listen to music, eat, dance and most importantly drink to keep our minds off of this sound good?" I suggest "yeah that sounds good, but I'm not dancing," Rami says "we'll see" I chuckle "okay I have to go I'm getting another call" I hang up the phone and answer the next without looking at the caller ID. 

    "Hello" "Clair sweetie I haven't talked to you in so long" my mom's sweet angelic voice greets me "oh mom I know I've been so busy with work everything" "I know your sister's been telling me" is she trying to guilt me because I haven't called her in a while ohhh she's good "oh she has. Did she tell you that I'm teaching choir now?" I question her "no she hasn't but congrats I know how much you love to sing." "Thank you mom," I say "so sweetie I called today because your sister says you've got a boyfriend" oh god if Cams told mom who else has she told, oh please please tell me she hasn't told Aiden "she has, has she? Well, I was going to call and tell you guys but I wanted to make sure it was serious. You know didn't want to make a big deal out of nothing." I chuckle.          

"Oh good.. good so is it serious?" she questions me "umm we're starting to get serious yeah, we've been together almost a month now," I tell her " awww that's good. Is there anything I should know about him before I tell your father?" mom questions, oh shit she knows dammit Cameron "umm why do you ask?" I answer her question with my own, my voice getting a bit shakey "oh you know just because Cameron tells me he is in a TV show, not only in the TV show but the star if the show. Then she sent me a video from an news show, and they were talking about you and this Rami boy."mom starts to raise her voice. "uuugggghhhh yeah". 

     "HAHAHAH Clair I'm just messing with you!!! I think that you meeting him is a wonderful thing, I could care less who he is" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in "moooom don't do that you scared me" I laughed. "Clair I just have one question" mom tells me her voice getting serious "yeah" "does he make you happy?" I smile and think about the man we are talking about "yeah, yes he does. He's so wonderful mom, he's so kind and he just makes me laugh. and mom i've never in my life been told that I mean so much to someone all the time, he doesnt let a day go by with out saying that I'm special, or important to him. Mom just thinking about him makes a smile grow on my face." I tell her "Oh and I can't tell you how beautiful he is, his eyes are sucha dark green almost brown and he has perfect hair and his smile just brightens my day. and his laugh can make anyones mood better."   

 "Well Clair if that is how he makes you feel, then I welcome him into the family with open arms. If he makes you feel so stongly and he's treating you right we have no problems" mom is so sweet, very protective of her three children but still very sweey. "Okay mom I love you but im going to be laate to work if I dont leave now" "by sweety I love you" and with that I walk out the door. 

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