chapter 28

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"That's the last of em," Rami say as he rests the last of his boxes on the entrance floor, "you know I thought you would have more stuff like you have a shit ton of clothes but only like four boxes" I turn to him and smile "like your apartment was cluttered" I say suspiciously. "All that stuff was Sam's" Rami says and pecks me on the lips "so I guess this means that I'm actually moving in" Rami jokes and pulls me to his side, "yup now let's go put everything away" I sat grabbing the box labeled Pictures "ah ah ah no heavy lifting for you" Rami takes the box that I was awkwardly holding in front of my belly "babe it's just pictures nothing serious, just pictures" I try to reason with him.

 "No, your seven months now the doctor said no strain on you or the babies. Why don't you go pick out the music and tell me where you want everything" Rami tells me, this is really starting to bug me like people do this all the time "oh no I got it your pregnant" they'll tell me like I'm pregnant, not crippled. "Just bring the boxes of your books and pictures over there and I'll put them away" I point to the living area with annoyance in my voice I walk into the living room and start deciding where I'm going to put all of his stuff. Rami places the boxes of books at my feet and when he stands straight he tries to lean in for a kiss, I'm so annoyed right now I'm just not in the mood I think and turn and walk to the stereo.

I put on my classic rock album and walk back to the shelves, I stand with my hands laid on my stomach staring at the shelves "we have to buy more shelves and expands to the next wall. I mean I've been meaning to get more I have stacks of read books on my floor all around and with your books and with all the books we got from the shower and were going to get if I don't already have them. We'll get six more sets so it goes from ceiling to floor like the other wall" I say to no one imparticular. "Okay, where do you want this stuff" Rami shouts over AC/DC's "who made who" "well put the large pictures on the floor where you want to hang them, we'll deal with that tomorrow, pick two small ones for the bedroom and put the rest with the books, we can cover some shelves with pictures and nick nacks when we get them," I tell him, still in a bad mood.

I walk into the bedroom and say "give me your clothes to hang up and you put the rest in the dresser beside mine, I got matching ones and another marble slab so it looks like just one really long dresser." I say as I open his largest suitcase that is laying on the bed and start to work. When I'm finished with all of his clothes I tell him that I'm going for a nap.


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