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Joji's POV

I held Max's keys in my hand, shocked but happy. While running to his car I hopped in and headed to Chads.

I stared at the clock it made me nervous, 4:10 PM.

I'm going to run late.



- NEW CHAT 4:55 PM -

iDubbbz: dude you're late

iDubbbz: George what the fuck you're like 20 minutes late or something

iDubbbz: If you didn't want to do this why'd you say fucking ask me on a date dick

iDubbbz: George...?

- iDubbbz has left the chat -


- NEW CHAT 5:15 PM -

iDubbbz: Max!!!!!!

iDubbbz: dude Max!!

maxmoefoe: what!!!!

iDubbbz: is joji with you?

maxmoefoe: No... I actually thought he was with you?

iDubbbz: no.. I'm concerned now like concerned

maxmoefoe: hold on I'll.. I'll be back I'm getting a call

- maxmoefoe has left the chat -


Max's POV


"Uhm.. Hey? Who is this?"

"I'm just a local cop, I would like to inform you a friend of yours has been in a car accident."

My eyes widen wondering who it is? But I had a small feeling who it was. "Are they hurt? Who is it?" I heard the cop lightly chuckle over the phone, I don't get what was so funny. "They have small lacerations on their torso and some cuts. Oh! As well as a concussion but the only major thing was they broke their collar bone."

I stare down and sigh in relief, "That's good" I thought. "Alright cop dude who is it then?"

"Umm... The report says 'George Miller.' You do know this guy correct?" I just nod but forgetting he couldn't see.

"Yeah um... Look cop dude I gotta go so um... Bye!" I hang up the phone before I heard anything else.

Why do I have to be the guy to tell Ian this?


- NEW CHAT 6:34 PM -

maxmoefoe: well....


maxmoefoe: wow the spell check freak finally spells something wrong.

iDubbbz: kill yourself

maxmoefoe: it was just a small car accident all he did was break his collar bone

iDubbbz: ooh

maxmoefoe: yeah

iDubbbz: Wait. What. HE DID WHAT?! Jesus Christ I'm going to visit him now

maxmoefoe: nah lets do it tomorrow. visit is probably over anyways

iDubbbz: whatever fine..

maxmoefoe: see ya tomorrow c;

- maxmoefoe has left the chat -

- iDubbbz has left the chat -





but I had to do it lmao
Anyways I hope you like this chapter

Thanks for reading lmao

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