Chapter 3

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"Okay, here is what we are going to do," Will started to say after a couple of minutes of silence. "I'm going to go help Finn look around for you, then after a couple of minutes you come out and say that you don't feel good and are too sick to ride the airplane back. That way I will be able to stay here with you why everyone else goes back on the plane and we can figure out what happened last night," Will said a little out of breath. Rachel thought for a moment.

"Do you really think that me pretending to be sick is going to work?" she asked.

"It's worth a shot," Will said. Rachel took another moment to think and then nodded. "Okay, let's try it," she said.

"Alright. Come out in about five minutes. I'll be down in the lobby with everyone else," Will said. Before he left he turned back to Rachel. "Remember to take your ring off," he commented. Rachel nodded at him as she took it off her finger and placed it on the night stand while he walked out and left.

Rachel waited impatiently for five minutes. She couldn't focus on anything as question from the night before had begun to pop into her head. "So I got married in New York to my teacher, no big deal. I'm sure we can get a divorce. I just wish I knew how it happened. Who am I kidding? I got married to my teacher!" Rachel thought to herself as she let out a loud scream and threw her head into a pillow. She looked at her phone and five minutes had been up. She put some clothes on and went downstairs to the lobby like Will had said to do.

When she got there the whole club was staring at her with Will talking to them with his back turned to her. He turned around with a smile on his face.

"There you are Rachel. We have been looking everywhere for you," Will said with concern in his voice fooling everyone.

"Sorry for being late." She paused. "Mr. Schuester I don't feel too good. I think I may have eaten something that didn't agree with my stomach," Rachel said while making a groaning noise and putting her hand on her stomach.

"Do you think that you will be able to go on the plane?" Will asked.

"I don't think so. I feel dizzy and my stomach is in knots," Rachel answered back.

"Very well. I guess I will have to stay here with you until you feel better," he said.

"Mr. Schue if you are going to stay with Rachel then who is going to come back to Lima with us? Don't we need a chaperone?" Finn asked. Will hadn't thought that far ahead so Rachel helped him out.

"Why don't you call Ms. Pillsbury to see if she can meet them at the airport?" Rachel said.

"Yes, good idea Rachel." With that Will pulled out his cell phone and dialed Emma. He was afraid that she wasn't home because she wasn't picking up but she finally did and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey Emma, I need a favor of you," Will said while he turned away to make the call private. A couple of minutes later and he was back with the group who were waiting a reply.

"Ms. Pillsbury will be there at the airport to meet you guys and give any of you a ride home if you need one. If you need anything else you can just call me and I will try and help. Rachel and I should be home no later than Monday for school," Will said to the kids.

Some nodded and other just seemed like they didn't care until Puck spoke up. "Mr. Schue, if you are going to be here why can't the rest of us stay a couple of extra days?" he asked.

"No!" both Will and Rachel shouted which made the rest of the club look at them with concerned looks and puzzlement.

"I mean you guys can't stay because we don't have enough money in the budget to afford another couple of nights in the hotel and I promised your parents that all of you would return back safely today," Will said.

His answer seemed to satisfy the club with them giving approving nods. "While I am here with Rachel I want Finn to be in charge," Will said while looking directly at Finn.

"You can count on me Mr. Schue," Finn said.

"Great. Now everyone get up and get moving because your flight leaves soon," Will said. The kids got up and groaned as they went to pick up their luggage. He turned back to Rachel.

"I need to make sure they get on the plane so I need to go with them but that shouldn't take long so I'll be back soon. Just go and wait in the room till I get back," Will said to Rachel. He noticed that she looked like she was about to break down and cry so he hesitated a bit before meeting the others outside.

"Are you okay Rachel? I mean other than what has already happened?" he asked.

"I'm fine," Rachel replied trying to hold back the tears. Will wasn't convinced so he pulled her into a hug.

"Everything is going to work out okay Rach? We will figure out what happened last night," Will reassured her. At least I hope we do, Will thought.

Rachel nodded at him. "You better go catch up with the others. I'll be fine," she said as he nodded and took off in the other kid's direction.

Will came back from the airport a little out of breath. When he got back to the hotel he practically sprinted up the stairs. He had no patience waiting for an elevator. When he entered the room Rachel was sitting on the bed going through things in her purse. She looked up at him.

"Did everything go okay?" she asked.

"Yes. They all got on the plane," Will replied breathing heavily while he tried to catch his breath.

"What are you doing? He asked as he noticed that she was going through her purse with most of its contents on the bed.

"I'm looking for clues. We must have taken something from somewhere we went so I was just looking for anything to make us remember," Rachel replied.

"Right. That's a good idea," Will said as he went to pull out his wallet to look for clues as well. He reached his hand into his back pocket but found nothing.

"Great," Will sighed.

"Let me guess," Rachel said. "No wallet?"

"No wallet," Will replied back. "I must have lost it somewhere. It had all my personal information in there and my credit cards," Will said slamming his fist into the bed to let out his anger.

"Maybe it's just somewhere in the room," Rachel pointed out. Will looked at her like she had just said the most intelligent thing in the world and started to look around. He looked everywhere but couldn't find it. He let out a loud sigh and sat next to her on the bed.

"So much for getting teacher of the year again," Will said out loud. Rachel looked at him and placed her hand on his shoulder trying to offer comfort.

"It's going to be okay Will. Like you said, we will be able to figure out what happened we just need something to jog our memory. After a couple of minutes of sitting in silence with Rachel leaning her head onto Wills shoulder she jerked her head up.

"I think we have our first clue," Rachel said excitedly as she walked over to a brightly colored flier that was sitting peacefully on the ground.

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