Chapter 12

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A/N: Hey everyone! I'm so sorry for the delay on this chapter. School has been crazy and finals are coming up. The good news though is that I will done with the semester in two weeks so I will have more free time to focus on this story and my other one Secret Affairs. Anyways, enjoy and please read and review!

Will pulled into Rachel's driveway while his parents parked in the street. He put the car in park and looked over at Rachel.

"You okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine, I just think that maybe I should go up there alone first," Rachel said.

"If that is what you want but I'm here for you," he said. Rachel gave him a small smile and squeezed his hand.

"Thank you," she said as she got out of the car with him behind her.

Will explained to his parents what Rachel was doing so they waited inside their car while he just leaned up against his car ready to come to her if she needed him.

Rachel slowly walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. A couple of minutes later and Leroy opened the door, looking tired and stressed.

"Rachel? What are you doing here?" he asked surprised with a hint of happiness although he tried not to show it.

"Well firstly I was hoping to talk to you and dad about yesterday, in a mature way," she said.

"And?" Leroy asked.

"And secondly I want you to talk to Will and his parents. They are both here waiting in the driveway," Rachel said. By now Hiram was at the door looking coldly at her with his arms folded at his chest. It hurt her to see her dad so mad at her and to know that she couldn't do anything to fix it.

"You brought him back here?" Hiram yelled angrily. "That man is not allowed back into this house, Rachel," he shouted. "I thought I made that clear yesterday."

"Hiram, maybe we should give him another chance," Leroy started to say but was cut off.

"No. Have you forgotten that he took advantage of our daughter?" he asked angrily.

"Will did not take advantage of me!" Rachel said annoyed. She wished that they would see that this entire thing was not only Will's fault and that she was involved too. It takes two people to get married.

"His parents understand!" Rachel added quietly instantly regretting what she had just said. Both of her dads looked at her hurt and shocked.

"Well if they are so understanding why don't you just go and live with them?" Hiram said walking back inside the house.

"Dad, stop!" Rachel yelled as loud as she could. Will could hear the yelling and he started to get worried. His mind went to a horrible place and thought of the possibility of her dads hurting her. He knew they probably wouldn't seeing as Rachel was their daughter but he couldn't take any chances.

He left his car and raced to the front of the house. He came behind Rachel and gently put his hand on her shoulder.

"Rachel? Is everything alright?" Will asked concerned. Hiram stopped dead in his tracks at the sound of Will's voice. He turned around and walked back over to the door.

"Get away from my daughter," Hiram said stepping in front of Will with his fist in a ball.

"No, I want to talk to the both of you. My parents are here and maybe if you listen to them and to us, you can see that we truly love each other," Will said trying not to raise his voice.

"Hiram, why don't we give them a chance?" Leroy asked again almost begging. He hated seeing his family like this. He loved Rachel and felt instantly guilty when he had said those threats to her last night. He knew what Rachel did was wrong but he couldn't stand to be mad at her anymore.

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