Chapter 6

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A/N: 30 reviews! Thanks everyone for reviewing and story/favorite/author alerting. It makes me happy that people are enjoying this story! I made this chapter a bit longer so I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think of it by leaving a review!

Will and Rachel left the coffee shop hand in hand. Will hadn't even noticed that he had grabbed her hand. He had done it so many times in this day that it was just instinct for him to grab it whenever they left somewhere. They peacefully strolled down the street with a new found energy both smiling and enjoying each other's company. They came around the street and ended up in front of Central Park.

They both stopped and looked at it. It was a beautiful park crowded with people. Rachel looked over to Will with a smile on her face.

"I love Central Park. Can we walk around?" she asked. Will looked at her unsure.

"Rachel, we are supposed to fixing out little problem. I thought we were on our way to the jewelry store?" Will asked.

"We were but we are right in front of Central Park! We can't pass this up," Rachel said trying to persuade him. Will thought for a moment. It was Saturday and they were supposed to be back to Lima on Monday which meant that they only had the rest of the day and Sunday to figure everything out. He didn't think that there would be enough time to take a stroll around the park.

"Rach I don't know," Will said. He really wanted to walk with her and get to know her more but they had other things to take care of first like getting a divorce. The word divorce stung Will as he thought about it. He had already been through one and he didn't know if he could take going through it again even if the marriage meant nothing.

As Will was about to reply to Rachel her phone started ringing giving both of them confused looks.

"Is that Mercedes again?" Will asked. Rachel shook her head no as her eyes widened in panic.

"It's my dad's! I forgot to call them and tell them that I didn't go back on the plane. They are probably freaking out right now," Rachel said as she quickly went to answer it.

"Hello," Rachel answered nervously but calmly.

"Rachel where the hell are you?" her dad Richard asked. "Why aren't you in Lima?" he added.

"I'm so sorry dad! I'm sick and I couldn't go back on the plane so Mr. Schuester stayed behind with me while the rest of the kids went back," Rachel explained trying to remain calm and collected. There was a pause before her dad spoke. Rachel guessed that he was trying to process the information he had just heard.

"Are you okay?" he finally asked.

"Yes dad. I'm fine but Mr. Schuester and I won't be able to come back to Lima till Monday," Rachel said.

"I'm glad you are okay but I don't like the idea of you being alone with Mr. Schuester in New York City," he said a little hesitant. Will could hear every word that was going on between Rachel and her dad so he looked up and listened intently.

"Dad, Mr. Schuester is an honest man and would never take advantage of me," Rachel said trying to make her dad's feel comfortable about the whole situation. Once again this sentence stung Will because in a way it had felt like he had taken advantage of Rachel even if she was part of their mishaps. He looked at her with apologetic eyes and she just smiled at him.

"I trust him and I think you guys should to. He is doing the right thing by staying behind to take care of me. He could have just left me here," Rachel said trying to make Will seem likable and trustworthy to her dads.

"Well alright. If you trust him then we should have no reason to worry, however if he does anything that makes you uncomfortable or takes advantage of you we want you to call us," her other dad Benjamin said.

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