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Even though the story was supposed to be completed at chapter 3. I have been persuaded by "more" and such in the comment section. So please.... enjoy.
It was no longer just me and Kawaii-Chan. Katlynn and Aphmau returned from their dates and evidentally, me and Kawaii-Chan weren't in the best position. It wasn't anything to inappropriate, don't get excited, but I don't think I'll ever be able to live down Katlynn's and Aphmau's teasing.
"So~" Aphmau inquired as we played with ponies in her room.
"Are you and Kawaii-Chan..."
Don't you dare sat it.
"A thing~" I frowned at Aphmau. I don't even care if she was trying to be amusing. It just bothered me. Really Aphmau, I hope you're better then this. You see, I have never... liked... anyone.... hated would be a more appropriate word. I've disliked people, and I've hated people. So besides my own mother I didn't really love anyone. Yes it wasn't my most appealing trait but I'm just being honest.
"No Aphmau." I answered, removing any type of feeling from my voice.
"No, me and Kawaii-Chan are not a thing."
"Uh-huh~" Aphmau nodded as if she were gathering information. I decided I was going to cut our playdate short and go talk to Kawaii-Chan.

I went into Kawaii-Chan's.... habitat, yet again. It was clear that she hadn't seen me come in the room; ear buds in her cat ears and her head engulfed in some sort of comic. Walking behind her, as she swung her legs back and forth, I tapped her shoulder. She immediately shut her book, sitting on top of it. It was clear she didn't want me seeing it. I shrugged at her nervous eyes, deciding not to question it. Popping the ear buds out, she asked,
"W- what is it Zane-Kun?" I couldn't help but chuckle a bit from how nervous she was acting. It was kind of cute to be honest. That comic must've been something embarrassing.
"I've just been wondering... have...have Katlynn and Aphmau been... teasing you lately?"
Kawaii-Chan chuckled nervously. "W-why would they do that?" She squished the comic more. Earlier in didn't really care... but now....
"Okay Kawaii-Chan, what are you hiding?"
"Nothing! Absolutely nothing!"
"Nothing really?" I pulled her tail. Sure it was a cruel thing to do but I was curious. As she jumped in the air with a youch and grabbed the comic.... she was sitting.... that wasn't a comic.
"Kawaii Chan! What are you reading!" I looked at the page, and little horrified by what I saw.
"Kawaii Chan found it in Aphmau's room... she was curious." Kawaii Chan sort of heald her self, embarrassed.
"Hey... it's okay. How long have you had this?"
"Kawaii-Chan just found it..." Kawaii-Chan's hands covered her already red face and I understood.
"Please don't tell on Kawaii-Chan! Kawaii-Chan didn't mean to find it!" To be honest I wouldn't expect Aphmau to know about stuff like this.... oh wait... that was highschool.... yeah she totally knows now.
"This is so embarrasing!" Kawaii-Chan shook and I glanced back down at the book. No doubt that Kawaii-Chan would now be extra nice to me- not that she wasn't already. I grinned, deciding to play this to my advantage. Let's get the evil side of me in here.
"I really should tell Aphmau and Katlynn about this..." and just as I expected:
"Please! Kawaii-Chan'll do anything Zane-Kun!" The fact that Kawaii-Chan had bits of tears in her eyes stung me a little. No. Nothing is going to sting me a bit. This was going to be fun.

Kawaii Chan x Zane: A Broken Meifwa - Zane-ChanWhere stories live. Discover now