A Sedated Meifwa

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3000 views you guys are amazing! I've had such an amazing week and I'm so grateful for all your support. I'm having GA chorus allstate auditions tomorrow so wish me luck! Anywho, enough about me, I present Ch. 10:

I'm so formal.

Kawaii-Chan's chest slowly rose up and down as she lay in a hospital bed. White sheets were over the majority of her body besides her calves. She was shaking. The doctor decided to have her sedated due to the amount of pain she was in. She was knocked out.
"She's very brave." The doctor turned toward me, giving me a soft smile. Nearly chuckling, I mentally slapped myself. I have always underestimated that Meifwa. I sighed, giving him a gentle nod, keeping my eyes on Kawaii-Chan.
"Now, how did this happen again?" The doctor called for my attention and I shrugged. It's was obvious he was having a hard time processing what I had told him.
"Kawaii-Chan said she had been hit by a car."
"Yes, and you said she had dragged her self door to door, trying to get help." I nodded.
He stared down at his clipboard comtemplating. "Now, Mr. Romave, are you okay with giving her your insurance? It appears that she has none."
"I guess. I don't see why that would be a problem. I've called more friends to come over here so perhaps we can all help with the payment." I suggested, looking back at Kawaii-Chan's peaceful form.
"Mrs. Chan is lucky to have good friends like you."
An unsettling chill surged through my body. Kawaii-Chan has asked for rides.
Can you pick me up from work?
Can one of you give me a lift.
My legs just hurt so bad from work.
We never cared. Not until now. Not until we thought someone who contained some of what little light this world had would burn out.
"Yea..." I answered.
"Excuse me." He left, probably to go talk with somebody about the x-rays. I winced at picture on his computer screen. Of course, neither calve bone looked good, but it was obvious that the left one had taken the toll. It was basically powder. My thoughts completely changed as I thought I heard what sounded to be a door opening. But it must of been my imagination.
Where are they?!
Kawaii-Chan muttered something in her sedated state.
"Don't worry KC." I whispered, crouching down, watching her sleep soundly.
"They'll be here soon."

They better be.

I texted Aphmau, telling her the situation about the insurance policy.
And if she didn't hurry up,
I would kill a bitch.

Aphmau reaction was that I shouldn't worry.

I told her don't tell me what to do. She hadn't seen Kawaii-Chan yet. She doesn't know what to think.

She didn't text me back.

I sighed, wondering if I should apologize. It wasn't her fault but...

Kawaii-Chan started muttering things again.

"Zane-kun." I turned toward her, thinking she was no longer sedated but awake. She was still sleeping. I decided to play along.

"What is it Kawaii-Chan?" I whispered in her ear. I was grateful that the doctor wasn't here to see what I was doing. I'd probably be questioned.

"You're..." Nothing more came out of her mouth. My self-esteem was pounding for an answer.

I'm what!?


I sighed, looking down at my hands then Kawaii-Chan. I remembered the cruel things I had done. The nasty words that had come out of my mouth in spite. I wasn't sweet.

"Kind." She said another word that she believed described my nature. Only she could ever think that.

"Okay now you're just insulting me," I chuckled, then frowned at the door. Kawaii-Chan could very well tell me the truth if I asked her while she was sedated into sleep.
"Kawaii-Chan." I whispered in her ear yet again, hot breath on her neck. "Do you lo-"
"Zane!" Aphmau came through the door and I fell backward. "Oh thank god, we never thought we would find Kawaii-Chan's room, this hospital is huge!"
Aphmau hadn't heard. Good.
Katelynn, Aaron, Garroth, Lawrence, and Travis followed. Katelynn immediately went to Kawaii-Chan's bedside then requested a nurse in the hall to see a doctor. She wanted to make sure they were doing all they could.

They better be.

Kawaii-Chan woke up.
"Wha-wha..." Her face was immediately stuffed with flowers, get-well-soon cards and teddy bears.

"Oh KC we were so worried!"

"Yea, even if Aphmau told us you would be fine!"

"Is the hospital food as bad as the movies say?"

I'll let you decide who said what.

The insurance policy was covered, and Kawaii-Chan seemed more at ease. She seemed like she was in less pain. I was so grateful she was smiling again.

Catch me dead saying that outloud.

Kawaii Chan x Zane: A Broken Meifwa - Zane-ChanWhere stories live. Discover now