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Kawaii-Chan sees meadows filled with sweet and chocolates. "Mmm!" She beams, as she takes a bite of a giant marshmallow. The marshmallow is stuffed with melted chocolate. Kawaii-Chan giggles.

Her eyes flutter open. That was the best sleep she had in a long time. Her eyes catch the digital alarm clock with bright red numbers. It was only 4:30 am.

Guess Kawaii-Chan better go back to-


Kawaii-Chan lets out a yelp, scooting back in surprise and falling off the bed.

Zane laughs. "You okay?"

Kawaii-Chan's eyes meet his as she looks down at his bed and back up at him. "Uh,"

He chuckles, taking off his shirt and walking over to his closet. Kawaii-Chan averts her eyes. She had seen him shirtless at Love~Love Paradise, but it felt so weird to be eyeing him. Especially in his bedroom. Zane is now wearing a tank top. He looks back up at Kawaii-Chan who is staring at the bed with quite the intensity. Here eyes are wide and her mouth is squeezed shut.

Zane-kun is waiting for a response, isn't he?

"Heh." He walks over to the other side of the bed, getting in; his eyes now meeting hers. He opens up the covers, "Get in." It's not an order. He just seems to be wanting her company.

The only words that come out of Kawaii-Chan's mouth are those that don't exist. Kawaii-Chan of course tries. Kawaii-Chan finally begins to notice how small the bed is. It's a twin sized bed, and is Kawaii-Chan rolls onto her back, she will probably end up in the floor.

"You find a job?"


"If you haven't, that's fine."

Well Kawaii-Chan can't exactly lie. She could. But he kind of caught on so... maybe she could half lie? Uhh....

"Kawaii-Chan is a waitress."

"Where?" He asks, he seems proud of me. But the fact that he was asking more questions was agonizing.

Maybe if I-

Kawaii-Chan snuggles her face into his chest letting out soft purrs, her hands rubbing above his stomach.

"What are you doing?"

Of course, that wasn't the exact response she was looking for but it was better than: Where do you work?

"Kawaii-Chan didn't know you had a job." She admits. "And being a security guard can be awfully stressful."

"Tell me about it." He mutters.

I sit up. "Sit up, turn around, and you can tell me what happened."

He does so, my claws and palms squeezing around the center of his neck. "Well my boss... he can be a real thorn in the ass. Forgive my potty mouth."

"Why?" Kawaii-Chan can ask as many questions she wants about his job, just as long as he doesn't start asking about hers.

"Even though she's boss, I can't help but think she uses her "power" too much. You know, kind of like Katelyn?"

"Your boss is a girl?" Kawaii-Chan asks in surprise. It's a good thing of course, but nonetheless, suprising.

"Yea. Anyway... Mrs. Jamie, as she likes to be called,"

My eyes can't help but widen, my hands freeze, only to immediately go back to work. Thank Irene. Zane didn't notice.

"She got mad at me due to me not being in my area, even though I had heard some noises on the lower level. I mean someone could have been breaking in, and if I hadn't reacted, I might have later been blamed for it."

So Mrs. Jamie has two jobs? Well... it could be another Mrs. Jamie. Besides the one at work is nice and-

"Hey, Kawaii-Chan, you okay? Know I'm not having an affair or anything. I mean the witch is probably 40 years old."

I look back up at him. Now trying to give him the sweetest smile I can. Mrs. Jamie was in her thirties, not forties, but that may have been due to Zane's insult.

"You okay?"

I finally realised I haven't said anything for awhile. "Tired." I answer. I get under the covers, Zane staring at me, searching for something. I stare back uncomfortably, not exactly knowing what to do. His hand meets my forehead and Kawaii-Chan laughs in surprise.

"Kawaii-Chan's not sick!"

"Just wanted to make sure."

He gets into the covers along side me, giving me a quick peck on the forehead. "Night!"



Kawaii-Chan looks at the digital clock. It's 2 pm and in about 30 minutes she better be at work. Zane is still sleeping. Kawaii-Chan looks up at him, now able to see the arm the is sort of oddly draped over her head. She slowly, and gosh it was agonizingly slow, shimmies downward.

She quickly takes off her pajamas, reaches in the back for the well hidden uniform. The small black dress. Draping it over her head, she shimmies it down, still not completely comfortable in the revealing outfit.

"Need me to zip you up?"

I swallow, letting out a gasp in the process and basically choke on nonsense. I nod nonetheless and he zips up the dress. Now what?

"So... where you off to?" He sounds nervous as if he were confronting someone on some big secret.

"Work." I say, going to my bag and pulling out a pair of heels.

"I thought you said you were a waitress. Didn't know that meant picking up money on the corner."


"I'm just saying... you could use a little more cover up... "

Kawaii~Chan let's out a frustrated sigh.

"Not saying that you don't look good, cause you do, it's just... I don't want anyone else eyeing my girl." He admits.

Kawaii~Chan smirks. "Is Mr. Ro'meave jealous?"

"Well duh. Strangers get to see you in that outfit and I just saw it for the first time now. Wouldn't you want me to be jealous?"

Kawaii~Chan thinks for a moment before planting a quick peck on his cheek. "Yes."

"Hey Kawaii~Chan?"

"Yes?" I dig deep in the bag, trying to find my name tag.

"Your tail's rising."


It's 1:37 am.

Kawaii Chan x Zane: A Broken Meifwa - Zane-ChanWhere stories live. Discover now