The Beauty In Rain

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When you were little, did you love playing in the rain? Did you hate the thunder? Did you watch the lightning from the safety of your favorite blanket?
I'm sure we all have; some of my best memories were due to rain, thunder, and lightning. Do you know the old belief about what the rain, thunder,lightning and what they truly mean?
The rain is said to be all our tear that we never shed. All the sadness, plain, and sorrow that we keep bottled up inside and never let escape. That's why you cry occasional when it rains, or become happy because something is releasing your pain, or sleep better because the weight you've been carrying has been lifted.
The thunder is the voices of all your emotions being released. The louder, more frightening claps, are the stronger, more self- damaging emotions being released. The quieter ones, however, are the voices of those who care and are trying to comfort you when you need it most.
The lightning is the beauty of all the hurt you've gone through. Amongst all chaos, something of beauty resides. The lightning is the happiness and relieving feeling you get after letting some rain pour and listening to the thunder clap.
I guess it's true when people say," He/ She is a force of nature to be reckoned with."

When I was very young, my great grandmother told me about the rain, thunder, and lightning. And now, 6 years after her death, I finally understood what she meant.

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