The Eraser And The Glue

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     We all know erasers we invented to erase mistakes, right? Well, when I was in kindergarten, I tried to erase this really big mistake. The teacher walked by and asked what I was struggling with. I showed her my mistake and that wouldn't erase no matter how hard I tried.  My teacher looked at me with tears forming in her eyes, she hugged me and said," There is no mistake to erase here. But I do see a little bit of some bits and pieces that need to be glued back together."
    She took me by the hand to from my desk to hers and got a tube of lotion from one of the many drawers. I looked at her confused and said, " I was taught erasers were made for erasing mistakes." She sighed with a smile tainted by sadness, and squirted some of the lotion into her hand and rubbed on my red arm. "And I was always taught to glue broken things back together. But first, you've got to clean the fragments." As the reddening went away, I asked her if I was a mistake. "No honey, if anything you're a beautiful artwork with pieces being put back into place."

      This is actually a true story, I was called a mistake that day and tried rubbing an eraser on my left arm in attempt to 'erase my mistake'. My teacher was the only one at that time that believed I had potential, exclude Mrs. West, and made me feel need and like I had something to offer.  
     So remember regardless of what you believe on the account of what someone told you, there are people who care and see the value in you. Even if you don't know; even if you haven't met them yet.

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