Princesses & Princes

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As little kids , most girls dreamed of being princesses, right? I know most of you have realized this by now but there are no such things as princes, like the ones we dreamed of as kids. If not, I'm sorry to have up it so bluntly but I wanna tell you, there is hope. Your fairy tale, the one of your dreams, may not be real but there is still one playing out slightly different than the one you wanted. It'll have those bent, curved, and broken pieces, but that's how all fairy tales work. The maiden is facing the difficulties in life and the prince, the man of her dreams, will come to her aid when the timing is just right. No fairytale doesn't have its fair share of sorrow and loneliness, life being no acception. Eventually that prince comes along and he saves you.
Girls, life is our fairytale. Our prince is out there, sometimes it's who you'd least expect, other times it's someone you'd known it to be all along. When people say life's not a fairytale, turn and say, IT IS A FAIRYTALE AND IM LIVING MINE A DAY AT A TIME.
Your the maiden come princess, and this life is your fairytale.
Being slowly written, day by day, page by page.

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