Chapter 1

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Just a foreword, this is really not the best story. It's contrived and cliché and I kinda hate it. I wrote it in 2016 and I have grown so much as a writer now, so looking back on this, it's just really bad. It's seems to be kinda popular though so enjoy, I guess.
~Rollo, 2018

Amethyst was your best friend. Aside from that, she was your partner in crime, and someone you could always count on to be there for you. You knew you'd always be there for her, too. The only problem with your current relationship with the purple-skinned gem was that it was only platonic. You hoped with all your heart that someday that would change, and maybe, just maybe, she had the same feelings toward you as you did towards her.

Today was an average day for beach city, which meant that it was absolutely gorgeous. The sun was shining, the air was fresh and clean, the ocean was as blue as ever, and there was a gentle breeze blowing through your hair. You walked slowly along the sandy shore, shoes dangling from one hand, the other hanging by your side. Early morning walks were something you loved, if you actually were able to get out of bed. The quiet rhythm of the waves against the shore was a constant background noise in your mind. Most of the time, your day was busy, so you took opportunities like this to be alone with your thoughts. In fact, you were so caught up in your thoughts that you failed to hear the sound of someone running towards you, until it was too late. A pair of arms wrapped around your waist, and you felt yourself being lifted into the air. "Wha-?" You shouted, surprised, as you had definitely not expected to be suddenly lifted up from behind. You heard a familiar laugh, and you craned your head backwards, raising an eyebrow at Amethyst.

"Amethyst, seriously? What are you even doing?" you laughed, trying to wiggle your way out of her arms. Amethyst set you down, trying to look innocent.

"Who, me?" The short gem asked playfully, giving her best confused look.

You laughed. "Do you see any other Amethysts around here?"

"Nope, looks like its just boring ol' me!" She said, placing a hand on her hip.

You rolled your eyes. "Really though, what was that for? Sneaking up on me and then grabbing me? I thought I was being kidnapped!" You joked.

"Dude, I was just playin'!" She smirked, running a hand through her hair.

You blushed. You didn't know why, but for some reason you found it incredibly attractive when Amethyst did stuff like that with her hair, like when she would flip it over her back or just run her fingers through it. Or when she danced. She was an amazing dancing, at least that's what you thought. Unfortunately, Amethyst noticed your slight blush and you knew she was not going to leave you alone about it. "So, why are your cheeks suddenly red~?" She teased. You crossed your arms. "No reason.." You were not going to admit why, no way. "Dude, really? I'm not blind, y'know." She said.

Suddenly, a sly look crossed her face. "Wait... was it because of this?" Smirking, she slowly ran a hand through her hair, and you could see the playful look in her eyes. Your blush deepened. No way were you gonna get out of this one. Amethyst broke into a huge grin. "It WAS because of that!" She exclaimed. "Amethyst..." You trailed off, covering your face due to embarrassment.

"Aw, c'mon~" She said, chuckling a little. Amethyst moved a her hands up to yours, uncovering your face. She smiled softly. "I didn't mean to embarrass you." she said, still holding your hands. Somehow, her face had gotten quite close to yours. You opened your mouth, meaning to say something, but no sound came out. You were still flushed, and the purple gem was still holding your hands in her own, which wasn't helping. "(y/n)?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. She seemed to realize how close she had gotten, and how you had begun to blush even more. Finally, Amethyst put two and two together.

"Wait.. (y/n), do you have a crush on me?" She asked, her own cheeks turning a darker shade of purple.

Your mind was racing. She knew. She finally figured it out. What if she never wanted to speak to you again? You couldn't bear to lose her. You snapped out of your thoughts as Amethyst called your name again.

You closed your eyes, and let out a breath.

"Yes, I do." You said, looking into her eyes. You were shaking slightly. This was not at all what you had ever expected to come out of your mouth, especially not today.

"But," You hesitated. "I think I have more than a crush on you, Amethyst. I think I'm in love with you."

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