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Chapter 7:

Anna's POV:

I wake up feeling more exhausted than when I went to bed. I couldn't really fall asleep with thoughts of being a Luna tormenting me. I get out of bed and stretch. I force myself to get ready for the day telling myself that my gardens will make me feel better.

I spend all morning in my gardens. They did calm me down, but it did little to ease my guilt. I decide to take a brake and go make some lunch. The pack kitchen is state of the art. I decide to make fried chicken and mac and cheese. I make enough for at least 20 people because whenever I make food someone always asks for some, then someone else wants some and so on. I am not even finished when Luke and Ethan bond down the stairs.

"What you making Anna?" Luke asks.

"More importantly, when can we eat it?" Ethan says before I can respond.

I giggle before saying "Fried chicken and mac and cheese. It will still be a few minutes before its ready."

"I hope you never find your mate. He would make you cook for him instead of us." Ethan jokes.

Luke slaps him on the back of the head and through his teeth says "You never say that to a she wolf."

"It's fine. I don't want a mate either." I say not looking up from my cooking.

"Any way when we are finished with lunch do you want to go for a run?"
Luke asks excitedly.

I smile before saying "Yah, sounds like fun."

I don't really like running with other people because I have to pretend I have a limp, but my wolf is dying to go on a run.

Luke's and Ethan's eyes cloud over meaning someone is mind linking them.

"Aw man!" Ethan says breaking the link.

"What?" I ask.

"Dad and Greg want to come on the run." Luke says while pouting.

Alpha James and Greg join us right as I finish the food. I barely make myself a plate before it is all gone. We all finish our food quickly and set out for our run.

The second we are outside we shift into our wolves. Luke is black because he is the future alpha. Ethan is grey because he is the future Beta. Alpha James is black because, well he is the Alpha. Greg is blond because he is the current Gamma. And finally I am currently a gross mud color thanks to actual mud.

Everyone takes off running. I lag behind trying to keep up the appearances of the limp. Once in a while they loop back around to me but for the most part they stay ahead of me. Everyone had just loop back to run with me when we passed a lake. All of a sudden I feel something crash into my side and push me into the lake.

When I pop my head above the water I see everyone fighting a black wolf. I
know immediately that it is Colt. I shake the water off my coat and everyone looks at me. They all shift back and look at me with their mouths agape. Well, all of them except Colt, he has a smug smile on his face.

I am confused by their reaction until I look into the water and see a white wolf staring back at me.

Oh no. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2017 ⏰

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