Meeting Him

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Chapter 5:

*6 months later

      For 6 months my life was perfect. James and Greg both treated me like I was their daughter. James' two sons become protective over me like brothers, and Greg's daughter treated me like a close sister. James gave me all of the fields and I spent at least half of each day in them, and I loved every second of it. I perfect my skills and no one suspected a thing. I felt bad for lying but I still didn't trust them that much. Anyway, I picked my crops once a week keeping the whole pack full of fresh food. The whole pack accepted me and treated me like I grew up there.

     I walk to the pack house with two baskets of fresh food. Today was a picking day. I pushed open the door and went to the kitchen where I heard talking. The alpha always has guests but hardly ever alphas, but I am always careful just in case.

     I set the basket down and slid down behind the counter. The most amazing scent fills my nose. It smells like my garden. I slowly sneak out of the house and back to my garden grateful that neither of them noticed me.   

     I go back to my gardening. Many thoughts run through my head. The visitor is my mate. My mate is in the house. Should I be with my mate? Should I run again? Should I just hide until he leaves? Should I confront him?

         I was completely lost in my thoughts but two voices snapped me out of it.

     "You sure there are no Lunas here?" The voice asks when the most amazing scent filled my noise. Dang it's my mate. I drop and I duck hiding behind the house where I could still see him. He was gorgeous, with his short brown hair and amazing blue eyes.

     I saw him sniff the air and growl out "Mate"

     I watched him look around trying to find the source of the smell. I tried to hide myself better but when he started coming near me I decided to run ... again.

Colt's POV:

                       I get to one of the last packs I am going to visit. I still have not found her; I am losing hope of finding her this year.

      "You sure that there are no Lunas here?" I ask saddened when the most amazing scent of roses fills my nose. I hear something drop and I turn to see ... nothing. Where is my mate?.

      I manage to growl out "Mate" as I look around trying to find the source of the heavenly smell. I walk toward the source when a petite girl with luscious brown hair and emerald green eyes steps into view.

     But instead of running to my arms like I expected, she runs towards the forest. I chase after her. She is fast, but I am faster. I catch her at the edge of the forest and I drag her back to the pack house. Along the way some guy comes to help me because she is struggling.

      He keeps whispering "You are fine Anna." Anna is a pretty name but I wonder if that is her full name.

     I don't mind that this man is helping me because I know he's mated and so is the alpha here.

       When we get back to the pack house I sit on the couch and wait for her to calm down. Eventually her struggles stop and she slides into the seat next to me.

      James and the man, who I found out is named Greg, sit across from us.

      "I thought you said there were no Lunas" I say mad that he lied.

     "There aren't. She's not a Luna." Greg responds instead of James.

      I look at my little mate, she is a Luna I know it. I am not making this up in my head. "Shift." I tell her.

     "No." She says plainly.

     "Why not? If you're not a Luna like they say then it shouldn't be that big of a deal." I counter.

        "I am a plain brown wolf, you must be mistaken. Maybe you're making up the feelings in your head." She says.

      "I know you feel it too. Shift, do it." I demand.

      "I am a plain brown wolf, all I do around here is work in the fields. I am not a Luna you must be mistaken." She says looking down at her hands.

       "Shift!" James demands done waiting for our argument to finish.

      Since he is her alpha she has to follow his command, so with a whimper she shifts into a brown wolf. WHAT???

Anna's POV:

      I'm so glad I always keep my wolf covered in mud. It may be uncomfortable but it was worth it. I expected this to happen eventually, but still, it seems too soon. I look up to the new alpha and he looks shocked. I look to my alpha and he seems smug, knowing he's right that I'm not a Luna. Ha, if only he knew.  

     I shift back and take my seat. "I told you, I am just a plain brown wolf."

     He looked me over skeptically. "I know what I feel. There is..." He starts before he is interrupted by my alpha "She is just a brown wolf. You've had your piece now I ask you to leave."

     "Not until I ..." He tries before alpha James says "NOW! This is my territory and I want you off it."

      With no choice he reluctantly leaves but not before he turns to me and says "I'll be back."

A/N: For the one or two readers I have, I am sorry for the delay, but i tried to make this chapter longer. 

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