New Powers

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Chapter 3:

                    Oh sh*t.

     What do I do? There is no way I can show my dad a white wolf. He will take me to the alpha and they lock me in some room until I find my power. I don't want to be a Luna! Who in their right mind wants to be a Luna? Well actually most girls would kill to be a Luna, but not me!

       I pace back and forth trying to figure out what to do. I collapse on the ground trying to sort my thoughts. I could run, but what would I do as rouge? I stand up to start pacing again, but I look down and see my legs covered in mud. It looked like I had brown fur.

     I roll in the mud, and then go to the lake to smooth it out.  I run to dry the mud. When I check my reflection, I look just like a brown wolf.

      I walk back to my dad and quickly show him my wolf and wait for his approval. He nods and walks off, and then I run away, this mud was hot and uncomfortable. I jump in the lake and clean off.

     I shake myself dry making me really feel like a dog. Oh well, but what do I do now?

     I return to my pacing, a Luna cannot survive by herself; she has none of the skills needed to survive. I can't go back; I will not be locked in a room.  

     If, by some magical chance, I survive the week they would make me go to training where they would definitely figure out the color of my wolf. I could run, I could find a new pack. But they would figure out the color of my wolf also.

    I had no choice, I ran. I became a rouge.

Colt's POV:

                             My whole pack seems lost. I am alpha of the New Moon pack, and I have yet to meet my mate. Without a Luna a pack is lonely and lost. I have been alpha for two years and we were fine at first but they have grown worried. I am 18 and I have visited every pack in the country, but the stupid thing is that if she is not 16 (of age) then I cannot tell if she is my mate.

     I sigh and walk back to my office. I need a Luna, we are the biggest and strongest pack and we need a Luna if we are going to stay that way. Well I will be going to all the packs again starting next week, maybe this time I will find her.

AnnaElizbeth's (Anna's) POV:

                                                            When I first became a rouge it hurt. It felt like my chest was going to explode and I heard my dad's pained cry but now I feel free. I don't have a worry. I need to find a new pack soon, but at the moment nothing matters. Even the bad abusive memories barley stay anymore.

      I lay down on the grass tired from my long run. What I would give for some water right now. Suddenly a puddle formed by my mouth.

     I jumped up and backed away from it. What just happened, water doesn't just appear. I slowly approach it. I smell it, but it holds no sent just like normal water. I taste it, it's just water, but where did it come from?

      Suddenly my eyes get very wide. What if it's my power? Luna's get their power right after the shift so maybe... But what exactly did I do. I just thought about water and it appeared. I think about a large McDonald's fries. I open my eyes and look around, sadly there are no fries. Maybe it's just natural things. I close my eyes again and think about full grown corn. I open my eyes to see the corn.

     Yes!!!!  I found my power! I shift into my human and fill up on corn and water. Afterwards I get bored and start messing with my powers to make them stronger. I grow new corn half way then make it a seedling again. I made it grow and shrink five times before I grow bored again.

     I look around; this looks like a safe place. Maybe I can build a hut. I think about vines building a small hut. I keep my eyes open this time so I can watch it. I see vines snake out of the ground and tie together to make a perfect hut. I grow and pull some leafs and some hay for a bed. I snuggled into it and used some spare vines for a blanket and feel asleep. Completely happy with my new life.

A/N - it got better! (at least in my opinion) But i am hoping it will get even better next chapter when it stables out.  

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