Chapter 1- Aiden

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Standing at the edge of the cliff, it wasn't always the same relaxed, quiet atmosphere it was now. Things went silent, and it all happened here, on this edge. Back then, people had been cruel. Undeserving of love and affection. Forgotten how to care, and it had made all the difference.
I bent down and took a rock in my hands. I rolled it around in my palm. It was just a simple, dusty old grey rock. Nothing special about it. But it filled the void. It allowed my hand to grasp onto something.
I bit my lower lip gently, and focused my blue eyes on the ocean basking in front of me. It reflected the same color as my own orbs. Same shine, same looking texture. People have said that it was almost like water lived in my eyes. My blond hair waved in the soft blowing wind. It was fairly long, but short enough so that it didn't go down past my earlobe. Many have said to me that when I was focused, they could almost see the gears turning in my eyes. How my eyebrows would knit together, and my head would slightly tilt down, things like that.
My sister, Aria, was different. She had very long, sparkling white hair, and piercing brown eyes. She was only a year younger than me, though she acted very mature for her age. I threw the rock in the ocean in front of me, thinking deeply.
"Aiden..?" I turned around, startled at the sudden mention of my name, but relaxed when I saw who it was.
"Aria...what are you doing here? You should be keeping warm!"
Aria sighed. "I's just..Melody is in there..and she wants to talk to you."
I shuddered. "Melody can suffice with talking to you."
"But brother, you're shaking! You must be freezing."
She didn't know that the shaking was caused by anger, and not in fact, by being cold. "I am fine, sister. Go back inside now, I will be there momentarily." "But-" "Now." I demanded in a slightly harsher tone. With a sulk, my sister walked away back to the very large contraption of metal. You could call it a ship, but rather, it was just a giant ball made of heavy materials that could fly. I took a deep breath and immediately pulled out a small knife hidden in my pocket. I looked down at the shining, sharp metal before me. Oh, the wonders it could do to human skin. I was aware. Far too aware, and because of that reason, I pocketed the item once more. The whole thought process of this was out of control. 'Let's start at square one..' I thought to myself. The year is 9980. Many centuries ago, there had been assumption after assumption of the world ending by now. But as it was, assumptions were all that it consisted of. Nothing had ever really occurred, other than the earthquake that had completely shattered my home, as well as my friends and family's. It didn't stop at shattering the shelters though, as it had completely destroyed and obliterated my life and mind. The thing is, no one saw it coming. Scientists were certain everything was as good as gone, until the tragedy had occurred. Nothing could have predicted this. Meteorites fell from the sky, earthquakes destroyed buildings in a mere matter of seconds, and tornados raged through every continent on the earth. Millions died. Which, didn't surprise anyone, especially not me. Why? Because I am one of the members of the Revulcis. The Revulcis was an elite group of a select few, and was carried by blood. Only around 500 survived, all because that's who they were. Not a single human survived, not according to me. They couldn't have, it was just impossible. My train of thought got off track, and once again, I let silence evelope me.
"My name is Aiden." I said aloud, almost to remind myself of the simple fact that was my own name. My name. The thing that identifies myself as me, yet every time I say it, it seems foreign to me. I sighed. Thinking like this wasn't going to help anything. I needed to talk with Aria and Melody, no matter how unpleasant it was to be. I slowly let my feet carry me back to the ship, but before opening the door more than a crack, I stopped, only to hear the two girls talking. About me. First, I heard Melody's voice.
"I just..I don't know what to do...I want to help him. Aiden saved my life."
"Melody, you're a Revulc. You would've survived either way...escaped with minor cuts and would've been oka-"
I heard my sister get cut off by a scream.
"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! I..! I..don't even understand.." I sighed, deciding not to let this go on any longer. I stepped in through the doorway, my eyes closed and my hands in my pockets as I walked over to the table the two were sitting at. "Any chance we could cut the chit-chat and talk about the matter at hand, or is that getting to be too much to ask?" I didn't have to open my eyes to know that my sisters face fell at my words. She was very sensitive, and being her older brother, I wanted to take care of her and protect her feelings and emotions, but at the same time, she needed to grow thicker skin and if no one else was around to teach her that, I had to. Melody, on the other hand, I didn't care so much about. Just the sound of her voice angered me. She was the kind of girl that always cried when she didn't get what she desired, and would pout until she received it. She used to even threaten to hurt herself unless her wants were fulfilled. I despised people like that. The age difference didn't help either, me being 19, my sister 17, and Melody an astounding 14. It was no secret she had a little girl crush on me, and I wasn't in the least bit flattered. More repulsed, really. I cleared my throat, ignoring Melody's tiny whimper at my harsh words. "Now..let's discuss just what happened."

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