Chapter 5- Desire

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It took a lot of explaining, and comforting, but we managed to tell Eleonora who we are. What had happened.
"We still don't know why you're alive...but we figured, if you're alive, others might be too." Len explained. Eleonora sighed. " ALL are..? Um..." "Revulc." I answered her. "Yes. We are. We are stronger, faster, and smarter than humans. We can erase memories, which I'm wondering is maybe what happened to you." She looked up at me. "How do you do it...?" Aria spoke up. "'s not hard. We just have to know what the memory we want to erase is, think of it, and then place our hand over the others chest. Then we have to say, out loud, the word, "forget." Eleonora nodded. "So..what about your parents? Where are they?" I saw Aria stiffen up, and I was pretty sure I did too. Len and Melody had the same parent situation, they had moved away, and Len and Melody had run away from their families. Before I could stop myself, I began to explain. "Our parents are dead. Revulcis cannot die, unless we erase the memories of someone of our kind. When Aria and I were very young, we witnessed our mother and father erase two minds each. A man, and a woman's. We don't know who they were, and we don't know why they did it. But they died right there, on the spot." Eleonora's face became one of sympathy, and sadness. "I..I'm so sorry.." I looked down. "We've been running around for a long time, though because of what we are, it wasn't too difficult to survive." Aria smiled a little. "It's okay. I'm very close with my brother now because of it. And I'm so glad we became friends!" This made Eleonora giggle. "I am too. But just unbelievable.." I laughed weakly. "So you can imagine how surprised I was to see you were human." She nodded. "I you guys don't need to sleep, or eat or anything?" I shook my head. "No. Not all the time, anyway." Biting her lip, Eleonora stood up, off of the couch. "I...need a minute." She exited the room, and walked straight into mine. The three of us sat there in silence, until Melody spoke up. "I don't like her." At this point, livid wouldn't be enough to describe how I felt when Melody talked. "And why not?" I asked firmly. She shrugged and crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back in her chair. "It's obvious she's just an attention seeking, usless bitch. Probably can't keep her legs closed anyway, plus-" "You would know, wouldn't you?" I found myself snapping and cutting her off. "You don't know anything about her. You have no idea who she is, so why are you judging?" She laughed. "Aiden, remember when you saved me? When we were kids? Someone tried to kill me, and you saved me! She's taking you away from me!" I scoffed in anger and disbelief, and I stood up in front of her. "I saved you because it was the right thing to do. You mean nothing to me, Melody." I saw tears form in her eyes, but I was angry, and didn't care. I turned around and swiftly walked out of the room. I locked the door to my room and banged my fist on the wall, resting my head between my arms. Why did I get so angry? Eleonora was a human, I shouldn't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't want to care. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Aiden..?" I didn't look back. I had forgotten Eleonora had walked into my room, and I didn't want her to see my weak side. "Aiden..?" She said my name again, in that soft tone, that sweet voice, that I wanted oh so badly to break. To scream out my name, not just whisper it. I wanted it, I craved it. "Aiden..I..." I turned around this time, and without realizing exactly what I was doing, I pushed her down on my nearby bed. She laid still underneath me, her eyes wide, but still held no fear. It frustrated me. I hovered over her, my arms keeping me above her, my body and face just inches away from hers, my eyes locked on hers. "Why aren't you afraid?" I asked her firmly. "Because it's you." "That doesn't make any sense." "It makes sense to me!" I growled a little bit and pinned her wrists above her head, still looking her directly in the eye. "Now?" She shook her head. "No." "You're either very brave, or very stupid." She didn't look away, she didn't try to struggle, even knowing I could break her wrists right now if I wanted to. But..I didn't want to. I wanted to caress her body and I wanted to hold her close to me. I have never wanted that before. I had no idea what was happening. "I'm neither. I just..I owe you my life. You saved me, and-" I growled again, and squeezed her wrists together, causing her to whimper. "I don't want you to trust me because I saved you. I don't want you to do all these nice things for me because I saved you, that's not what I desire." Eleonora looked at me with concern and care. "Then what do you desire...?" I didn't think of what I was saying before I said it, but my head knew. My heart knew. "You." I responded, and with no hesitation, I leaned down, and I pressed my lips to her's. My eyes were closed softly, her's were closed as well, a little more tightly. It started out gentle, and caring, until I released her wrists. At that moment, without leaving our physical connection, she sat up and kissed me back with as much force as I was putting in. I kissed her harder, as I sat on the edge of the bed, and sat her in my lap, my hands on her waist, her's on my shoulders. This went on for a good blissful 2 minutes, before Eleonora broke our connection, and we were both panting, our foreheads resting against each other. I wanted to stay like that. She softly brushed her lips against mine, making me shiver, causing her to giggle. "I..I'm sorry..I shouldn't have just..without your permission.." I mumbled an apology, but she quickly kissed me to keep me quiet. "No...I loved it." I smiled at her. "Me too...I don't know why, but whenever I'm around you, I feel like..I need to protect and care for you." She smiled back at me. "I know..we haven't known each other long..but that makes me happy." I leaned in once more, kissing her, showing as much care in it as I could. It was so weird, it was like I never wanted our lips to be apart. Is this how others felt? I had never felt like this before, with anyone.
Luckily, she didn't seem to mind as she kissed me back.

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