Chapter 3- Feelings

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I was never this willing to sleep. Being a Revulc, I didn't need to, but lately I had found great pleasure in it. I awoke a couple hours later and immediately coughed a little. There was a very..pleasant taste lingering in my mouth. 'Odd...I don't remember eating or drinking anything in the last week or two..' I thought to myself. I licked my lips, where the pleasant taste intensified. I raised my hand to touch my bottom lip, but just before I could do so, I heard a knock on my door. "Aiden..?" I knew it to be Melody right away. "Enter." I mumbled as I lowered my hand and sat up in my bed. With a swipe, the door opened and quite to my surprise, Melody didn't walk in and start a conversation like I thought she would. No, she more BOLTED in. And no words were said in that instant. No words COULD be exchanged, seeing as she had swiftly caught me off guard and pressed her lips to mine. My eyes widened in complete surprise. I had never been kissed, and part of my brain was still trying to register what was happening at that moment. I heard a sound of surprise leave my mouth, which was still attached to hers, as she basically wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer. She kissed me harder, and more powerfully. Then, making me even more caught off guard, I felt her begin to play with my belt. Processing...still took me a good 6 seconds of all this before I found the strength in my arms to push her off of me. I expected her to look guilty, and sorry for what she'd just done, however she looked unbelievably cocky. She was smiling, almost devilishly, and her dark black eyes held lust in them. Her long straight black hair was a bit tangled now. Not only that, but she was still dangerously close to me, way too close for me to feel any comfort or reassurance. I muttered incoherent words, not sure where to begin, though I was pretty sure what I said next was a pretty accurate description of what I was feeling at the moment. "Are you insane?! Like, actually insane?!" She giggled. Just a soft little giggle, but it made my blood boil. "Little old me?" I saw her game. She was going to play the innocent card. Even worse, the very wonderful taste on my lips was gone since the moment Melody had kissed me. I found myself aching for it to return. "Yes, you! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" She just chuckled and tilted her head to the side, then she drew an imaginary circle above her head, to symbolize an invisible halo there. "Come on Aiden. Now you can say that you've been kissed! And by me!" I glared at her, partly out of anger, and partly out of sheer disbelief that someone could be this stupid. I was done. "Get out." I said it, clear as day, but to no avail. "Come onnn! We can have some fun!" She leaned towards me again, but I was quicker this time, and shoved her away. "Melody...go. Before I lose it on you." She smirked. "Okay. But I'll come back." She winked, turned her back to me, and with the swift motion of the door opening and closing again, I was alone once more. I was in absolute disbelief of that girl. Bad enough she was here on the trip, but now she wanted to basically sexually harass me. I cursed under my breath, and stood up slowly. Unfortunately, killing another Revulc was asking for your death as well, plus Aria wouldn't be very happy either. I groaned and began to get dressed in new clothes.
I was not looking forward to seeing Melody later on today, but I needed to get her, Aria and Len together today in order to start our move. I walked into the living room, which was fairly big. It had 4 long black couches, a voice activated fire place, and a few chairs here and there. It was mostly gray but with a bit of brown tracing the edge of the walls. Len was asleep on one of the chairs, while Aria was sitting next to Melody on a couch. I, of course, moved to the furthest one away from her and sat down. "We need to move. Today. It's imperative that we get this done as soon as possible." I abhorred how Melody's gaze stayed on my lips as I talked. It made me extremely uneasy, but I continued anyway. "Aria, wake Len up. We'll go in 5. Be ready. We'll leave the ship here. I'll call it if we need it." The thing about these ships, is all you had to do was say the code in the vault on the ship,  and it will always appear right by your side. It also unlocks it. It's like keys, but way better. I heard Aria shaking Len awake as I walked outside, feeling Melody's eyes undress me as I walked. As soon as the door shut behind me, and I felt the cool air hit me, I breathed a huge sigh. As hard as this was going to be, I had to do it. I had to know. I closed my eyes and walked out further, ready to go. Ready to leave. Ready to know.

Racing through the trees, Len, Aria, Melody and I were at full speed each, probably moving at around 120 mph. I gave off a grunt of effort as I pushed up on my feet and jumped to the ledge on a mountain, as everyone else followed. I was the fastest, next to Len who was catching up nicely. After a good half an hour, we had reached the very cold atmosphere that was the mountains. Though the cold didn't affect us as much as humans, it was still not pleasant. "Aiden..where are we..?" I looked around us. "Not where we need to be. We'll stop here for tonight, and then keep moving tomorrow." I saw Aria shiver. She had come to me a few days earlier and told me her fear of entering a city. She wasn't good with pain or death of the sort. And there would bound to be dead humans laying around everywhere. I told her that it'd be ok, but I wasn't very much looking forward to the sight myself. We began to walk through clumps of snow on the ground, slowly and gently. We didn't want to step on anybody who may have been caught in an avalanche during the disaster. Suddenly, I hear a whimper come from behind me. "Aria..please. This is no time to-" "That wasn't me." I rose my eyebrow and looked back at her. It had gotten dark, and her light brown eye shone with the moon symbol, indicating it was night. I wanted to sleep. "Who was that then? Certainly not Len. Melody?" Len laughed as Melody shook her head. "Then what-?" I began to walk towards them, and that's when my eyes saw it. There was a few large pieces of wood, held together in the formation of what seemed to be an excuse for a small house. "Stay here." I began to walk towards the wooden "house" and as I stepped closer, I removed the top piece. There, I saw a girl. Must have been my age, maybe a bit younger. She had very long and dark brown hair that shone in what little light was there, and she was slim and fairly short. Her dark brown eyes looked up at me, wide and bright. That's when I gasped and took a step back, my eyes wide. I looked in the girls eyes again to make sure. They had the look of fear and worry carved into them. But no moon symbol. No symbol at all. It was no mistake. They were human eyes. Tears were flowing from them as she continued to look up at me. Her skin was pale, and she had a winter coat hugging her body. Her hair was so long, about my sister's length and the ends touched the snow she was surrounded in delicately. Little snowflakes were on top of her head, and she was shivering. Not only that, but I could see her leg was definitely not bent the right way, and she had many cuts and bruises. But that's all it was. She was still very much alive. I saw her lips part slightly, her hands in a fist on her chest.
"" My mouth hung open as I stared back at her, almost like I didn't expect her to talk, which I kind of didn't. Suddenly, the girls eyes fell closed and her body toppled to the ground. Aria came running over with Melody, while Len was still standing where he was, just as confused as me. I heard the two girls fussing over the human, and trying to pick her up and help her, but I was still as a rock. I felt frozen. There was no way. Maybe I had seen it wrong? Could Revulcis go into shock? "Aiden, help!" I heard Aria's voice ring out to me. "R-right.." I muttered as I did what I was told. I moved over to the girl, and being very careful of her one leg, I picked her up in my arms, and looked at her closed eyes. Her mouth was slightly open as her silky hair hung down. I shook my head and sighed. "Come on.." I called out the code to the ship, and instantly, it reappeared right beside us. Then, without looking back at anyone, I walked into the ship.

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