Chapter 6- A Connection

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"The difference here, Aiden, is you are a young boy. You know nothing of the world yet."
"But father, what do you mean when you say you and mother have to leave us..?"
" are our pride and joy, and we will always love you. But for a better future for you and Aria, we will be gone soon. Do not tell her this. We love you both. Always remember that."

Wrestling with your thoughts and memories wasn't always meant to be pleasant. Thinking of my parents, and how they had left me, I hadn't wanted to trust or love anyone from that moment forward.  The only one I talked to was my sister. I spent the whole night, in my bed, thinking of it. What my father had said, and how I never talked to my mother after that. I definitely cried a little. I missed them, more than anything, I missed them. I was angry because they didn't bother telling Aria or me anything of why they had to die, but I knew they had a good reason. I knew that...yet it never seemed to numb any of the pain. I must've been sitting there in thought for all of the night, because I soon felt the sun beat down on me through my window. I sighed, and got dressed, walking out into the living room. There, I saw Aria and Eleonora. They seemed to be having fun, and were laughing with each other about God knows what. Still, I was ecstatic to see it, and I leaned against the wall, watching them for a little. All too soon, Eleonora looked up and spotted me. A smile immediately appeared on her face. Her large dark brown eyes grew brighter, and she twirled a strand of her hair. I was about to say something, until Len walked in. "Heyyyy pretty girls, what say you and I go for a walk, hmm?" I chuckled and sighed, walking over to Eleonora. I leaned in and whispered in her ear. "This might be a good time to tell him." I practically felt her face heat up at my words. "How..?" She whispered back. I shrugged. "Like this?" I then moved my head so my lips touched hers. She gasped a little, but quickly warmed up, and began to kiss me back. Aria's mouth dropped to the floor, and Len's went even further. I didn't care though. All I cared about was the fact that her sweet lips were on mine. Finally, we detached, and I smiled at the other two. "If its all right with you, I'd like to take Eleonora for a walk." I said with a smile, as I took her hand and walked out the door.
"What was that?!" She was yelling at me, sure, but she was laughing as well, and that made me happy. "I didn't like Len flirting with you. I had to do something." As sure as I was that Len was going to be upset with me later, I was prepared to deal with it. She rolled her eyes and punched my arm, and I leaned in to kiss her again, when suddenly, I heard someone speak my name. But it wasn't Eleonora. "Aiden. We would like to have a word with you." I spun around, and my eyes widened. There, standing in front of me, were the leaders of the Revulcis, Clara and Clark. I knew of them, they controlled the laws of the Revulcis, and were always happy to deal out punishments when those laws were broken. I had never met them, but I had heard lots about them. I had a very good idea of how happy they were that every human was wiped out, as they despised that race. I quickly pushed Eleonora behind me. "Clara. Clark. It's nice to meet you." I said in a firm, cold tone. Clara laughed a little. "Aiden. You as well, although we do know a lot more about you than you, us." Eleonora tried to move to see who I was speaking with, but I firmly gripped her arm, maybe a little too tightly, and she stayed put. Clark was more blunt, and to the point, as he leaned over to look at Eleonora. "Who's this?" He hissed, smiling a little, making my stomach turn. Standing up straight, I cleared my throat. "A friend of Aria's. I presume you know my sister?"  Clara gave a small glare, but was still smiling. "I see...well, I choose to believe you, Aiden. Anyway, we came by to ask you if you knew anything about the disaster that had caused the wipe out of the human race?" "I don't."I replied. "But I am currently looking for clues, and will contact you if I find anything." Clark spoke next. "Ah, well then how about you and your little team search with us?" I looked squarely into his eyes. I could see his sadistic nature hide behind his blazing red orbs, the sun diagram burning brightly. "That's quite all right. We've got it figured out, and I'm sure we'll be just fine." They nodded. " If you're sure. I'd advise you to tell us if you see anything out of the ordinary." "Of course." I held Eleonora behind me, my face stern, and my body rigid until they ran away at full speed and were out of sight. "What..who was..?" "Those two are basically what you would call a "government. They control what we do, and punish us if we don't. I was afraid that if they saw you were not one of us, they would..well..kill you." She didn't seem very fazed by my words, which surprised me. "Haha..I like how I tell you all this stuff about us, and you never seem bothered." She didn't laugh with me. "I just..don't want to be without you." I leaned in closer. "Me neither.." It wasn't a lie either. I did want to be close to Eleonora for as long as possible. I was going to make this work. I had to.

I was excited to sleep that night. I would get to see what exactly was causing my dreams. I wanted to know what was producing these wonderful senses. I laid my head down on my pillow, and in no time at all, I fell into a slumber.

At first, I saw nothing but darkness. Pure black, and nothing else. Then, everything turned white and all my senses crumbled. I felt numb. I couldn't move and I found it incredibly difficult to breathe properly. It was like something was suffocating me. I tried to wake up, to scream, to cry out, but nothing happened. I was stuck in this same damn nightmare that was known as my life. I didn't have any parents, I didn't even really have a purpose so why haven't I just given up? I've failed Aria, I've failed my parents. Nothing had purpose anymore. Nothing. Please for the love of God, end this pain already..

"Aiden..! Please!" I awoke to the painful, yet comforting feeling of someone hugging me. I immediately knew who it was as soon as I hugged them back. Ah...I knew this skin. This soft, beautiful skin. I knew this smell, the wonderful, enchanting smell. Everything about Eleonora comforted me. She gasped as she felt my hands touch her back, and she looked me in the eyes. "Are you all right!? I came in and you looked to be in so much pain!" My eyes closed blissfully. I didn't want to talk. I wanted to stay silent, and hold her. 'Aiden..please say something..!" I looked her in the eyes, looked up and down her body, and then back at her eyes again. She was dressed in shorts and a tank top, and her eyes were bright. She was beautiful, beyond comparison, and she was mine. All mine, as I was hers, and I could never be happier. I felt tears invade my eyes, and I inhaled and exhaled shakily. Then, I responded with something that, after my past, I thought I'd never say again.

"I love you."
And with no sense of hesitation, the words came tumbling out of her mouth. "I love you more." Then, as I felt her kiss me, pushing me down on the bed, and her hands beginning to unbutton my shirt, I let all my worries go, and I lost myself in her, completely and totally in love with a human.

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