The Unforgettable Day (Pt.2)

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Scene One: Your laying in bed wearing one of his t-shirts as a makeshift nightgown. You lay there staring at your stomach. You run your hand over your midsection, and smile. Thoughts race through your mind, if it would be a boy or a girl, who it would take after, how it would later talk then walk, and what life it might have with you as its mother and Gunner as his father. It has been a couple weeks and the ultrasound would be coming up soon. Maybe then you could tell.

Gunner: Hey babe.
He spins his way around the door frame.
You: Hey. Can you help my find the remote? This news is just boring me.
Gunner laughs, and walks over to the bed. He pulls back the bed sheets, and picks up the remote. He hands it to you then blows you a kiss.
You catch it and laugh.
You: I love you, I really mean that.
Gunner: Well I would hope so since you have my bun baking in your oven.
You bury you face into the palm of your hand.
You: Sometimes your weirdness is even a little to much for me.
He smiles widely at you and leans over you to bend down and give you a kiss.
Gunner: I was just thinking, maybe I should meet your parents, ya know so they—
You cut him off.
You: No! Babe trust me it's not worth it. It will cause so much stress and we are already trying to plan a wedding, miserably I might add.
Gunner: Who is miserable? I'm excited.
You: You say that now but I have a feeling you might regret all this.
Gunner: What?
He puts his hand under your chin to pull your face up to look at him.
Gunner: I love you, I mean that.
He kissed you gently and then rubs your cheek with his thumb. He starts to walk away from you, but when he reaches the doorway you call out to him.
You: Hey babe, do you really think you should meet my parents?
He sighs, rests his hand on the door frame and turns his head and half his body to face you.
Gunner: I think, I got their daughter pregnant, and now I'm marrying her, so maybe they should meet me.
He turns all the way back around and continues to walk out the door and into the hall. You grab your phone and start to fumble through your contacts looking for a phone number.

Scene Two: You call your mom and set up a brunch date to inform her about all that is going on, your dad didn't care to hear. You nervously fidget with your hair in the car drive to the little café a couple blocks down the road. Gunner feels your anxiety and tries to calm you down by playing music, but no level of (enter genre here) could help calm your nerves. You are about to tell your mom your are pregnant and getting married to a guy you basically just met!

You: I'm so scared.
Gunner: I can tell baby,
He places his hand on your knee and rubs it with his thumb.
Gunner: Just try and relax okay?
He slides his hand up your leg and locks fingers with you. He pulls the back of you hand up to his mouth and kisses it.
Gunner: I love you.
You: I love you too.
You take a deep breath and try and calm down.
You: I regret doing this. All this stress isn't good for the baby.
Gunner: I agree but maybe it's for the better.
You pull up to the café and unbuckle your seat belt. Gunner runs over to your side of the car and opens the door for you. You get out and you quickly begin holding hands and starting the walk inside. You step in to see your mother has already gotten a table.

Scene Three: Your mother locks eyes with you as you grip Gunner's hand standing in the entrance of a little shop. You start walking towards your mom trying to be strong but the way she looks at you almost makes you want to burst out in tears. You take the seat across from and Gunner joins right next to you.

You: Hi mom.
Your voice shakes slightly when you speak. You squeeze Gunner's hand. He looks over at you and rubs the back of your hand with his thumb.
Your Mom (Y/M): (Y/N).
You: It's nice to see you again.
(Y/M): It's been almost what a year?
You: Yeah about...
(Y/M): And who is this?
She motions at Gunner, looking him up and down, getting ready to nit-pic him.
You: This is Gunner and he is my fiancé.
Gunner: Hi, it's nice to meet—
Your mother cuts him off in the middle of talking.
(Y/M): Why would you ever marry somebody like this? You can do so much better!
You: Well I love him mother and I want to marry him!
(Y/M): But he's so vile looking! He has all these piercings!
You: Well your just going to have to get use to them because he is the father of my baby and the father of your grandchild.
(Y/M): Grandchild? You are pregnant? And you are marrying him?
You: Yes. It's what I want.
(Y/M): Oh my sweet dear child, Oh
(Y/N), you have no idea what your getting yourself into. This is all wrong and I want nothing to do with it!
She grabs her purse and quickly shuffled out of the cafe. You start to run after her but decide to lock yourself in the car instead. You start bawling your eyes out. Gunner runs out of the shop and spots you. He tries to pull on the car door handle but it's locked. He starts banging on the window for you to let him in but you don't care. You just keep crying until eventually you just let him in and he instantly starts freaking out.
Gunner: Oh my god baby girl are you okay? I was so scared, what's wrong baby, I just wanna help. Please just tell me what's wrong. I love you.
You: I'm okay... I'll be fine..

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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