The Unforgettable Day (Pt.1)

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// animegirl889 Thanks for the idea for this chapter! I had writer's block for a while. //

Scene One: You examine yourself in the mirror. You imagine the situation in a different setting. A wedding, with your family surrounding you. Expect, you knew your family wouldn't come.  That they had refused to be involved with you for moving in with a stranger. They had assumed the worst about you, as they always had.

Gunner: Hey beautiful.
You: Hey!
You try to act perky and excited.
Gunner: What's wrong?
Gunner raises a brow at you seeing through the act.
You: Whaaaaaaaat?! Nothing's wrong! Everything is fine!
You smile unconvincingly with pleading eyes.
Gunner sighs and crosses his arms over his chest. He stares at you pouting.
You sigh, deciding to tell him the truth.
You: Fine. I was thinking about my family. How I wanted them to be at my wedding, but...
Gunner: But...?
You: My family won't be there...
Gunner: What?! Why not?!
You: It's because I moved in with you... They want nothing to do with me...
You lean over and rest your head in his lap.
He pets you hair while singing a song.
Gunner: 🎶 I'm only one call away. I'll be there to save the day. Super man got nothing on me. I'm only one call away. 🎶
You: Are you really singing Charlie Puth?
Gunner: Not well, but yeah.
You laugh and snuggle into his leg.
Gunner: You kinda act like a dog.
You: Is that you way of calling me a bitch?
Gunner: What?! No!
You: Hahaha. I know calm down. I'm just joking with you.
Gunner: One day I swear you will give me a heart attack.
You: 🎶 Putting my defenses up!! 'Cause I don't wanna fall in love!! If I ever did that, I think I'ld have a heart attack!!! 🎶
Gunner: Really? Demi Lovato?
You: Hahaha. Of course.
Gunner: Your a very odd child.
You: I know I'm a strange green bean.
Gunner: Oh my god....
You: Hahahahaha!

Scene Two: You are scrolling through images of wedding dresses trying to get an image of what would be the perfect dress. You stop scrolling, and examine your ring. You smile and close your eyes picturing yourself walking down the isle with a bouquet in your hands. You dress is like a beautiful crystal ball gown. Your hair is done up all pretty and your make up is perfect. You get giddy just thinking about it.

You: This is gonna be perfect.
Gunner: Hey babe, do you alway talk to yourself?
You jump, startled by Gunner.
You: Jesus Mary Joseph! You scared me!!
Gunner: Oh sorry.
He laughs quietly to himself
You: Oh shut up!
You chuck a throw pillow at his head.
Gunner: Hey carefully! Do you want to marry the headless horseman?
You both laugh as he walks over to you carrying the pillow. He put the pillow down while leaning over and kissing you.
He smiles at you while looking into your eyes.
Gunner: I'm so lucky to have you.
You: Oh really?
Gunner: Most definitely.
You: Prove it.
You reach up, and pull his face to yours gently. You two start making out passionately. He reaches over and starts rubbing your sides. He climbs over the couch, and gets on top of you while continuing to make out with you.

// I'm honestly not in the mood to write a really sex driven paragraph. You know that they have orgasmic sex leave it at that //

You: You really do love me don't you?
Gunner: Of course.
You: We should start planning our wedding..
Gunner: Why so soon?
You remember back to a week prior, and remember buying a pregnancy test just to be safe. You think about your shock when the test came back positive.
You: I'm not sure how to say this...
Gunner: Just say it babe.
You take a deep breath.
You: I'm pregnant!
He looks at you mouth wide open in shock.
Gunner: W-we're gonna have a b-baby?!
You: Yeah! A little person running around!
Gunner: Oh my god!
He is overcome with happiness and starts to cry.
Gunner: I have someone call, I'll be right back.
He gets up while pulling out his phone and dials a number. You sit there wait for him to get done.
Gunner: I can have the wedding ready and set by next month.
You: Oh my god yay!
Gunner: Yay?
You: Don't question my happiness.
Gunner: Yes ma'am.
You: Ma'am? What am I your mother?
Gunner: Mother of my child.
You: Slick. Very slick.
Gunner: Thanks.
He laughs and walks over to you rubbing your belly.

// Part 2 Coming Soon!! //

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