Back to earthland.

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Lucy opened her eyes. It was dark out. Were they back at the guild? Her arm was bandaged up. What happened? The last thing she remembered was seeing her celestial spirits back in their original form. She was so happy she was crying and then she was feeling faint.. Did she regain consciousness only now? Where was  everyone? Where was sh-...
"Hey Lucy" said a familiar voice.

"Natsu! Is that you? Are you okay? Are you still hurt? I was so worried. Where is everyone? Where are my-.."

"Whoa, slow down there Lucy. I'm feeling better now. Wendy healed me up pretty good. Everyone is either having dinner or getting some rest. As for your keys they're right next to you."

"Oh thank goodness." she said hugging her keys. She looked at Natsu. He had bandages all over his body, some on his face. He was sitting on the bed next to her and it looked like he had just woken up too. "How's Happy?" Lucy asked

"He's in the next room, sleeping. Mira just told me. I think I put him through too much this time. I hope he can forgive me." said Natsu, now staring intently at her. " How are you feeling Luce?"

"Better actually. Now that you're okay and I have my keys. You nearly gave me heart failure you know!" she scolded.

Natsu laughed. " I'm sorry Lucy. Did I really scare you that much?" he said getting up and taking a step closer to her.

Lucy blushed. Oh yeah. She remembered everything that happened and all her feelings came rushing back. "Y-yeah you did. I was so scared."

Natsu plopped himself next to her and looked at her with concern after a while he said,"I have to tell you something Lucy."

"O-oh? Well go on then.." Lucy said, her heartbeat suddenly increasing its pace to somewhere near the speed of light.

Natsu's voice was filled with hurt and concern. "I think I was the reason you got injured so bad."

Lucy was surprised. Okay that wasn't what I was expecting. Wait. What if only I have these feelings for Natsu and he doesn't reciprocate them? What am I saying! Of course he doesn't feel the same about me! Why would he? We're in the same team for crying out loud! He probably likes me the same way he likes Happy. What am I doing with my life? I can't concentrate on anything except this? Ughh I wish I had some time to think about this properly.." she thought to herself.

"...Luce? You okay? I think you trailed off there for a minute." Natsu said.

" Huh? Oh.. I'm fine Natsu. And don't worry about my arm. It was mostly my fault I wasn't concentrating at the time. Um.. Actually, why are you saying it was your fault? You weren't even there.." She said, finally convincing herself to think straight and logically for now.

Natsu grimaced. "You see when Happy and I were inside that celestial monster we were surrounded by this sorta warm mist. It was actually some form of magical energy. I could feel it though it was pretty faint. I ate it cause I could feel certain trace elements of fire. So I had to separate and harness only the fire of that energy. It was really difficult and painful but my fire became more intense, like it was different. It was different from my flames. Hotter, even. And that's why  even after I blew out the chains holding the king and the spirits, you and Happy suffered through so much pain. It was because of me.. I'm sorry" Natsu finished.

Lucy was silent for a while. Then she looked at him and said "You idiot. Why are you sorry? Its not your fault. Besides its not like my arm is gonna be broken forever and my burns are already fading.. Don't apologize Natsu. In fact I should be thanking you, for getting my spirits back. Well, you and everyone else but mostly you. So, thank you very much."

"Luce.." He trailed off.

She smiled at him, while he just stared at her. After what felt like an eternity, Natsu suddenly fell unconscious and landed in Lucy's arms.

All he could hear was her voice.Where stories live. Discover now