What do YOU want to see?

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A/N- Okay, I know I've asked before but I'd really appreciate it if you guys could chirp in- I'm not suffering so much from a writer's block, but I'd like to know what you want out of this story- it could be anything, literally anything (though nothing that will alter the plotline massively and NO UNICORN RIDING.)

Like, for example, conversation subjects, certain scenes, places they could visit in Paris, any reccomendations- it would really, really be appreciated. Like, you don't know how much. IN FACT, I will update once a day for a week if I get enough reccomendations, because the faster I can write this, the faster I can get on to a particular part of the series that is seriously badarse.

Yes, I say badarse instead of badass *sips tea and continues to have a jolly good old chin wag with all of you*.

But if you do want to see that... *Does evil Moffat laugh* You know what to do.

Even if you just comment one word, it would help.

Mycroft would like to help me make this point too: I'd make some sort of threat, but I'm sure your situation is quite clear to you.

Thank you, Mycroft. Much appreciated.

On another note, thank you all for so many votes and reads already! I LUFF YOU! Despite the rather dark message above...


Between The Raindrops- A Johnlock Fanfiction (Sequel to Beside You)Where stories live. Discover now