Chapter Fourteen- *Adopting* the Right Decisions (PART ONE)

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I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.
- Carl Jung

A/N- I'm fairly sure this is the chapter a lot of you have been waiting for- or at least the first half of it! Deduce a piece of this, ladies and gentlemen. ;)

(Also, thank you iamjohnlocked221b for the suggestion of them talking about the future which kind of features here, and amy_mocho_is_crazy, whose suggestion also feautures majoryly- enjoy!)

“Here you go,” Harry chirped, and I lifted my head from Sherlock’s shoulder. We undid our seatbelts, thanked them for the ride, before swinging our legs out the door.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” I asked, tapping on the window of the car for Irene to roll it down. She glanced at the gates of the park.

“Never. Again. Not until I have kids, anyway,” she laughed, and Harry joined in with her like the mention of this was the most casual thing in the world- it came as a bit of a shock that they’d already discussed children- Sherlock and I hadn’t even done that yet, and hell, we were married. I suppose it was soon, though- and I didn’t know if Sherlock even wanted kids, but I suppose I’d always had this picture in my head of-

“- Ready to go, love?” Sherlock interrupted my chain of thoughts. I hadn’t even noticed the car start to leave, so I waved them off quickly and nodded at him.

Sherlock wasn’t dressed as he usually was, seeing as this was a theme-park, so Dolce and Gabbana suits and Burberry coats weren’t quite appropriate here- he was wearing a pair of (very nicely fitting) jeans, a decent but more casual shirt than his usual get up, a brand new dark leather jacket I’d convinced him to get from La Fayette and his old converse shoes from Cardiff.

Speaking of the clothes, as we walked forwards to join the queue at the gates, he was looking at them as if he could not decide whether he liked them (by that I mean ‘could at least tolerate them’) or whether he was utterly disgusted. “John, I don’t know if these were such a good idea…”

“The Tenth Doctor wears converse,” I pointed out, seeing if that would make him like them more. “And I have a pair, look,” I’d brought my own, just so he wouldn’t feel too… Exposed? Is that the word for Sherlock wearing casual clothing?

The adventures of sand-shoes and chinny,” he muttered, and I nearly fell over laughing.

“Now I know what to get you for Christmas.”


“A fez,” he sniggered, squeezing my hand as we joined one of the very long lines and started to wait for the gates to open. Sherlock took out his phone and groaned.

“Fifteen minutes to go,” he rolled his eyes and then started to stare intensely at the other people in the queues. I was used to his gaze, but apparently not everyone else was. I gave him a small nudge.

“What are you doing?”

“Deducing them,” he sighed. “Obviously.”

Of course. “Just deduce me,” he raised an eyebrow, and before he could ask why, I answered: “Because not everyone knows who you are, so if you’re caught staring at any kids like that they’ll kick you out.”

He tried to look insulted, but even I could tell he was obviously amused, before turning his gaze to me. “That’s better.”

Whilst Sherlock was observing me, I glanced around in a slightly more normal manner- only to be disturbed as something hurtled into my leg.

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