My achievement and Parapsychology

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My achievement🙋:-
I never knew that I am a good writer until readers like you appreciated and voted on my books. This gave me confidence to write fiction and now my book "The Prince Of Saturn" is available on Amazon(free for subscribed Kindle users). A special short synopsis for my wattpad friends:-

The story starts when Jack is informed that he is the prince of Saturn and a cruel king is harassing the people of his kingdom. He comes to know that he needs to win Horse Of Fire and Crystal Sword in order to assassinate the cruel king who has black magical powers. Simultaneously, Jack falls in love with the daughter of the cruel king. Now, he has to sacrifice his love if he wants his people to live a good life. Here's the link to the story:- (You can find the link on my introduction/description page)

Hope you all will like it. Please leave your feedback about the book in comments.


Parapsychology is one of the most unique and interesting branches of psychology. Hence, the book based on psychology should have some information regarding Parapsychology.
Parapsychology is derived from two words - Paranormal and Psychology. It is the study of various paranormal elements through science called "Psychology". In this stream of psychology, psychologist try to relate various paranormal elements to the human body, mostly to the human brain. However, the history of Parapsychology is interesting too. This stream of psychology is only 100 years old. It came into existence when the first parapsychological organisation was formed in UK in 20th century. But from so many years, psychologist have been unsuccessful in relating paranormality perfectly with science. Therefore, parapsychology is called a science without definition. If you have any such experience or a review regarding it, please share it with us by commenting on this chapter. It will help us to take on a healthy decision on this topic.

Thank You !

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