Chapter 4: Increase your Psychological Potential

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Many of my Wattpad friends told me that the theory actually works. They come to know what the people are going to say before they even say it. Some of them have actually successfully commanded people. This is one of the most important chapter in the book. It is a chapter for which everyone was waiting desperately. So here it is:-

The psychological communication is possible only between a dominant and a recessive brain. The first element in this psychological communication is commanding. Now, this "commanding" is the role played by the dominant brain. Commanding is defined as giving orders to the person with recessive brain without actually telling him/her anything openly. You do not know that the person before you, has a dominant or recessive brain. Hence, you should try to command the person in front of you.

✴How to command ?

(The method of commanding is a bit complicated. So, if you have any sorts of queries or doubts, please express them by commenting on this chapter.)

When you want to command a person, just look at him/her and continuously say the order which you want him/her to follow. While doing so, imagine that you are transmitting some kind of brain waves from your brain to the brain of the one whom you are commanding.

Note:- Please try this and give your feedback about the same. I know you will not use it for any wrong purposes.

Self promotion😁:-

My book "My brain is connected to Google" has ranked #37 in Science Fiction. So, I decided to celebrate it with my readers. A special short synopsis for my Wattpad friends:-

Jacob always wondered about Audrey's smartness. He feels that Audrey hides a big secret. So,he decides to reveal this secret. By doing so, he falls in love with her. However, he comes to know the secret that Audrey's brain is replaced by a computer. But he doesn't mind it. Audrey and Jacob are happy with their increasing friendship but the actual story starts when the computer is hacked.

It is a story you can't imagine. That's a challenge! Find the book in my works. Express your views about the book, too. Hope you'll like it.

they were able to command people. However a few of my Wattpad friends told me that they were unable to command people.

If you are one of those who are not able to command others, please note that it is because your brain potential is low with respect to the one you tried to command. Try it on your juniors or others whom you think are not smarter than you. However, if you are unable to command anyone, still I have a solution for you.

In order to command people, it is important that you have a good capable and powerful brain. Therefore, here are some ways to increase or improve your psychological potential.

1)Maths:- I know many of you do not like Mathematics or it is better to say you hate it. Trust me, try and make maths your friend. It will not only help you to get good results in your exams but simultaneously it will increase your psychological potential.

2) Chess:- Chess is one of the most popular indoor games. Play chess with your friends, use it to make your brain more power. Also I would like to advise you to play it with computer.

3) Science:- Read different scientific news and articles. Think deeply about every small thing that happens in your surrounding. "Curiosity" is an app which will help you. Find it in Google play.

Note:- I will try many more ways to help you increase your psychological potential. Meanwhile tell me what you think about the theory or experience if you have any. I request you to not to use this theory to harm anyone or for negative purpose.

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