The Last Part

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Thank you for reading this book. The response of all the readers on this book has been awesome! Usually, this platform is used for writing fiction. This book was a sort of experimental trial. Your comments and votes motivated me to work more on this topic. I am concluding this book with this last part. Don't worry! This is not an end.

I assure you that the next part of the book is coming soon. Though I have not updated this book regularly, I will definitely post the chapters of the coming book regularly. Also, along with psychological stuff, I will try to include topics that revolve around Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. AI and ML has a huge buzz in today's world. We will try to learn about their possible connections with the Origin of Humans. In the next book, we will continue our journey through the Human Brain and try to understand OURSELVES.

Please share your views about the book through your comments. Before I post the second part of this book, you can read my other book - 'The Indian Emperor'. It's a fictional story, completely different than this book. I hope you will like it too. Stay tuned for the next version of THE SECRETS OF PSYCHOLOGY AND ORIGIN OF HUMAN RACE.

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