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Aliens have created us! Many of us believe this. Another major opinion is that we were created by God. If we combine these two opinions, we can say that Aliens are God. If we say that Aliens have created us, then a few interesting questions raise their heads. One of them is that if Aliens created us, then who created Aliens? Another question is that why Aliens created us? In this chapter, we shall try to answer these two questions.

→Aliens created us to test the existence of complex intelligence on Earth. A theory states that moon is hollow. This, in turn, means that moon was artificially created so as to help the existence of life at night. It implies that there exists a race which is highly advanced and capable of creating a planetary satellite. We can say that humans are a sort of artificial intelligence of this highly advanced race.

When we compare humans to other organisms of Earth, we could clearly distinguish them from other organisms on the basis of their intelligence. May be, this is because humans do not belong to Earth. They are brought to Earth in order to fulfill an objective. If these highly advanced Aliens can create Humans, then they can also create other races like Human Race or may be races which are more intelligent and complex than Human Race.

Let us compare human body to a computer. Interestingly, we get an analogy.
CPU = Brain
Wires = Arteries and Veins
Electricity ( essentiality for a computer to work) = Blood
Screen = Face
Antivirus = Antibodies and WBCs

These are a few things which can be quickly picked up. Can you name some other common factors between humans and computer? We will discuss the other part in next chapter.

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