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The changed title of the book from 'The Secrets of Psychology' to 'The Secrets of Psychology and origin of Human Race' indicates that we will be talking about something which is equally interesting as Psychology - The Origin of Human Race.

The Human Race is the currently the most advanced race on Earth. No doubts! However, when we ask that how this race came into being, the majority will answer in one word -"God". Some other opinions would be the evolution of man from monkeys. However, when you think about reality, it happens to be something totally different.

One of the greatest shocks of your life comes your way. Human DNA is not originated on Earth. This means that it has been brought from space to the Earth. It won't be wrong to say that Aliens might have created us. Consequently, it means that Aliens are god. However, when I say that Aliens are god, the faith of people in God will show a decline. They can't accept God to be an Alien species. Hindu religion says that there are almost 33 Crores of Hindu Gods and Godesses. Also, the Hindu text which talks about this number of Gods, was written thousands of years ago. Eventually this means that the number of God's would have increased by now. Including the gods from other religions, this number increases to a greater extent. Does this mean that these numbers define the alien population in our space. If humans are Aliens, gods who created humans are also aliens, then I really feel like laughing on those people who ask, "Do aliens exist?".

If Aliens created us, the study of human body should fall under the subject Engineering and not Biology. If we compare human body to a computer, we get some answers. The brain acts as a CPU whereas arteries and veins acts as copper wires. Similarly, blood acts as electricity which keeps the body in a proper condition to perform various functions. The more you question these things, you get more questions instead of answers.

Author's Note:- I will be posting Déjà Vu's second part soon. Also the coming chapters on Origin of Human Race will give you some shockers. It will totally transform your perspectives regarding god, life and yourself. So, I would request you all to express your views regarding this topic by commenting on the chapter.

Thank you my readers for reading the book and being interactive. Readers make a person an Author. I would thank you all for constantly supporting the book and me. Thanks once again!

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