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Hey, guys, sorry I haven't published any new one shots yet but I'm actually working on 3 or 4 of them that people have requested at the moment!

And I've been super busy because we're getting ready for some family that I haven't seen in years to come up and visit.

I'm working on all the one shots right now and I'll try to have one of them published today. It depends on if I have a good amount of time to do it.

So I'm sorry if you were expecting another one shot or preference but I'm still currently working on them right now and I thought it would be nice to give you guys a bit of an update on what's going on!

But remember that I take requests for one shots so don't be afraid to message me if you'd like one done for you! I'll answer you as soon as I can. I have notifications for WattPad on my phone turned on but they never give me notifications for when I have new messages. 😕

But like I said, I'm trying to get time to finish these one shots, so try to be patient with me.

Thanks for reading! ❤️

*I thought the picture was really funny* 😂

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