A new beginning.

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A new beginning.

"Samantha, c'mon you don't want to be late Mrs Jones was calling her daughter from downstairs.

"Coming." Came a voice.

Samantha Jones was posing in front of a tall mirror, in the corner of the room their was a massive clothes pile, shoes we're scattered about everyone. "It's not everyday you start a new school." Samantha thought to herself. The Jones family moved to LA, because of the fathers career. He's a cop and he and his family got transferred to Los Angeles on business.

"Okay I'm ready." Samantha said trying to slip one grey combat on her foot and then the other.

"It's about time." Said Mr Jones. Samantha's farther Mr Jones was a rather tall, dark haired man with strong facial features. "Let's just go." Mrs Jones interrupted.

-Sam looked outside the window, she saw all the trees and the children on their way to school alongside their mums and dads.- "Here we are." Mrs Jones said as she altered the break and we pulled up outside a large brick building with many windows and a massive sign what read. 'Welcome to South Wood High.' My stomach practically turned upside down. "Have fun." My mum says trying to sound supportive.

I stepped out of the car and took it all in as I looked around. I made my way towards the main entrance and it wasn't like any other school I've been to. The lockers were brightly highlighter with different patterns everywhere you turned, the students got wear, well anything they wanted I noticed a fair skin girl with glossy red hair wearing sky blue shorts and a yellow tank top. I walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey uh.. Do you know where Mr Swanson's room is?," I say. "Sure, it's down there." She points her finger down a corridor and smiles radiantly. "I'm Kacey." She holds out her hand. "Samantha," I shake her hand and she giggles. "I'm in the same class, wanna walk together?," Kacey asks. "Alright." I reply.

I arrive into the classroom and there're chairs facing towards a wooden stage. (Again, like no school I've ever seen.) "Kace." A weird looking guy with curly hair shouts Kacey over. "C'mon." She says excitedly and pulls my sleeve.

"Hey Kacey, uh you look nice today," He said. "What's that supposed to mean?!," Kacey frowned and ran out the classroom. I stood frozen. "Uh what just happened?," I asked frantically. I ignored my own question and decided to run after her. I opened the door and walked straight into a student with hazel eyes and amazingly volumed hair what makes it worse I spilled his drink onto his shirt. "I am so sorry. Here let me help you." I started to panic and rubbed my sleeve onto his shirt. "I think you're making it worse." He said. I looked up deep into his eyes not aware I was still dragging my sleeve against his body. "Masson!," A girl with black hair and shocking blue streaks yanked him away. "What do you think you are doing?," She questioned me. "Uh I just spilt his own drink on him and uh he uh." I started to stutter "Uh I walked into him to by acciden,"- "Shut the hell up." The girl cut me off and turned facing towards Masson. "Becca it was an accident you know these things happen." Masson spoke trying to ease the streaky haired girl. She ignored him and pushed past both of us and sat down on one of the seats. Masson looked down at me. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "Masson!, c'mon I saved you a seat." Becca said while tapping her hand on the seat next to her impatiently.

I looked around not acknowledging what just happened I saw a guy get his coke can confiscated and was told to put it on the front desk, which was in the corner at the front of the class. I also noticed Becca and Masson were an item..

"Alright class, take your seats." Me Swanson said excitedly.

There was no time to search for Kacey. I sat down quickly next to a guy with blonde, frizzy curly hair. I remember on the way to class before all that commotion Kacey said something about avoiding him, but I didn't fancy sitting near Becca that's for sure. So I pulled up and chair and placed my bottom onto it and I refuse to shift. The guy with blonde hair looked up from his iPhone, "Sup?," he said emphasis on the letter P. "Uh, hey look what's that?," I urgently changed the subject and pointed in the opposite direction so I could swap places.

Mr Swanson continued "today's class involves improvising hm, who shall I pick?," his eyes searched the room. "Rebecca." *everyone snickered.* Becca stood up and glared. "Let's just get on with this." She said angrily. *everyone went silent.* Becca took centre stage. "I'll take it from here," she spoke. "I would like Masson, Kac- where's Kacey? Never mind I want Jackson. The curly haired boy who spoke to Kacey stood up and tripped over my purple Adidas bag. "Sorry." I said quickly and returned the bag back to my side. "And Charlie." A guy with a greyish track suit walked over to the front of the class he had his headphones in bobbing his head and miming the words to the latest hits. "Anyone else?," Mr Swanson said curiously. "Mm, the new girl. I never did catch your name?," Becca's eyes sparkled as she spoke sarcastically. I got up and went over and joined everyone on the wooden stage. "The scene shall be 1941. And go," Mr Swanson spoke fast.

Masson was the first student to take part. "Darling I'm home." He said. "How was work dear?," Becca reacted by running to his side and holding his arm. "But where is little Jonny?," Becca glanced over at Charlie. "Uh here I am mother I was out playing in the yard, what's the supper?," He retaliated. "Bangers and Mash of course." Masson replied. "Oh darling you're such a good boy and sweetheart you are an incredible husband, so I decided to go out and by us a dog," Becca looked over at me and gave me the most threatening look. However I decided to play along.

"Woof," I said. "That's right I'm a dog, woof!," I cooed a bit more." And cut. Becca called. "Sammy dogs don't stand like that, if you're playing a part you've got to act it do it again." She commanded. I bent down on the floor and tried again. "Woof." I smiled.

Masson smiled back at me which to Becca's delight didn't amuse her. "Oh dear, this dog has fleas, don't worry I read on this thing called the internet that soap and water works best to keep your dog clean. *Becca walked over to the desk grabbed the can of coke and poured it all over me.* "I heard coke does it too." I got up and walked out the class room and Rebecca smirked smugly.

"Wait you forgot your bag." I heard a familiar voice and turned around it was Masson. "So, is this is it? You're just giving up after one day? He asked.

"What? Uh I don't know, maybe I just don't think I fit in and I certainly don't like fizzy drinks in my hair. It's quite a mess you know? I exclaim and try to get my point across.

Masson chucked "So I've been told and maybe you don't, but how do you know for sure after one day?," Masson asked wisely.

"I just know alright?," I ignore whatever else he has to say and walk away.

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