Serious zituations.

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Serious Zituations.

"ARRRRGHH!!!," My eyes flickered open I pulled the quilt over me an rushed into Tammy's room, limping as fast as I could.

"What's wrong?!," I ask frantically.

Tammy turned around and pointed to a huge zit on the edge of her nose. "Have you seen me? I'm hideous," she exclaims. "It's not that bad, I'm sure some makeup will fix it right up," I assure her. "Uh it's picture day AND I look like a freak, where's that girls number who did your makeup last week?," Tammy snatches my phone out of my hand and scrolls through my contacts. "Is it? I have to go to school today! You mean Kacey?," I say. "Whatever they're called. I need them now," Tammy holds the phone to her ear. "Hey Sam," I hear Kaces voice on the other end. "Hi, yeah this is Sam's sister, Tammy and I'm having a midlife crises and I need your help!," Tammy panics moving to the other side of the room. "Hi Tammy, I've heard all about you. And what's the problem?," Kace says. "Really?, aw that's cute AND I have a huge, massive, giant freak on the end of my nose!," Tammy roars. "Yeah, *giggles* Say no more I'll be right over," Kacey hangs up.

Tammy's POV.

"Thanks," I shouted towards Sam's room. What can I wear? Oh my god, what should I have my hair like? What shoes? What bag should I take?!

The doorbell rings.

Mrs Jones gets up from the breakfast table and answers the door, she presumes it's a cookie girl. "Hi, thanks but we don't need any cookies today," she says. "What?, no I'm here to see Tammy," Kacey explains. "Oh, second door on the right," Mrs Jones nods her head.

"Kacey in here," I call. "Oh so you're Kacey. *touching her soft straight hair.* I love you hair," I say. *giggles* "Thanks and yowza! that's one red freak, don't worry I'm here, sit down and we will get started," she says.

Kacey ripped open her makeup bag and tipped it all over Tammy's bed and tried her best to cover up Tammy's zit, she squeezed her concealer onto her index finger and dabbed it onto Tams nose. The spot was still staring at her, she squeezed some more out nothing changed, she grabbed her sandy foundation and poured some onto the back of her hand and swiped it with her foundation brush and dabbed it lightly on Tams nose nothing happened, she got a big dollop of it and put it on everywhere it didn't cover it up, she switched to a darker shade, pouring it into her hand and trying again finally she was getting somewhere, she noticed the spot began to get less red and puffy it slowly disappeared behind the layer of foundation. If she put anymore on Tammy would of looked like she was made out of ice, glistening in the sun. Kacey went over to the bed and picked up her compact of loose powder she also got her brush with black, thick bristles, the handle was a washed out purple with glitter inside. Kacey dunked the brush into the powder case and blowed before applying it to Tammy's face lightly creating the sunkiss look, she carried on doing this a few more times then stopped and put the brush and loose powder on the side she picked up Tammy's blusher she saw lying around. She opened the see through case and took the brush and scraped what was left with the corner of the brush and then blowed, putting this into Tammy's cheeks stoking with upwards movements. Making a 'just got up look,' also known as natural. Tammy's makeup is never natural always bright pink lips or red or another other neon colour and very glossy, smokey eyeshadows followed by eyeliner and a pair of false eyelashes.

"Ready to see?, I think I have hidden it as much as I can," Kacey says turning Tammy towards the mirror. "Oh my gosh, I look amazing, thanks Kace," I gasp in shock.

"No problem, call me whenever there's an emergency.. Where is Sam?," Kacey says. "In her room across the landing," I say.

"Okay, thanks, " she says walking towards Sam's room.

Sam's POV.

*Kacey knocks before entering*

"Come in," I shout. "Hey uh are you coming to school today?," Kacey walks into my room and plonks herself on my bed. "Oh hey, when did you get here?, yeah sure I am, help me decide what to wear? Because you're so awesome at that!," I pulled her off my bed and towards my wardrobe. *giggles.* "I got here about thirty minutes ago, I was helping your sister with a,"- she stopped herself realising what she was about to say and just finished the sentence with saying 'stuff,'

"You mean her zit?, she woke me up earlier screaming about it, what about this?," I held up a blue base ball jacket. *giggles* "Cute," she says. "C'mon help me out Kace it's picture day," I say. "Just wear what you feel comfortable in," she shrugs. "Oh... Kay?, since when? I thought it was all about the style?," I giggled to myself. "Yeah well not always," Kacey snaps. "IHaveToGo," she says quickly. She left without going into Tammy's room to college her belongings. "Okay, well I'll see you at school," I call out to no one in particular.

Tammy's POV.

Learning over my makeup table trying to apply my last false eyelash and my mum calls up the stairs. "Girls, girls you're going to be late," I hear Sam stubble down the stairs with her crutches, doesn't seen like she's put any effort into her outfit it took her about two minutes. "God sake, why won't my hair go right this morning?," I thought to myself as I backcombed it a bit more adding volume and texture.

Clonking down the stairs in six inch heels. I asked mum where Sam was she answered back with "she went to school, c'mon you're late, bye," and then blew air kisses.

Dad gave me a lift to school no one was around was I really that late?, I hurried into the girls loos to sort my hair out. (Again,) half of Sam's year was in their girls only of course they were all trying to share the small corner mirror. "Uh excuse me, but I need to do my hair," I said. "So do I," they all replied very inclined with one another. The girl in the corner who didn't really need to use the mirror was sat down texting I presume, well she had her phone out she looked up and looked me up and down I just did the same to her. She then got up and said something to me I don't recall what she said as I was fixing my hair. She then tapped me on the shoulder and spoke to me direct with a soothing, calm voice. "Hi," she says. "Yeah, hi," I said quickly and carried on doing what I was doing before she tried a different approach and told everyone to sod off. (They did whatever she said.) "Yo, got any lipgloss?," she asked. "Yeah sure, whoa where did you get that lush eyeshadow from?," I said handing her the Rimmel lipgloss stain. "You like?, I think it's from Zara's, mysterious section," she says swiping on my lipgloss making her lips powerful and stand out. *Darling, you are the only exception,* my phone started ringing. "Sorry," I smiled and answered my phone. "Hell?,"- "Where are you? "What?! Uh no, you left without me as I recall," "I'm waiting at the bus stop like you said, you're the who says we shouldn't act like we get along in front of mum and dad in the first place," "Yeah, well it's best if we don't... Uh so which bus stop are you at?," "forget it, *long pause,* I have to go the bus is her,"- She hangs up.

"Sam? Hello? Argh, she's the one who left first!," I muttered to myself. "So, I've got to go to class, walk and talk?," she says. I stare at this complete stranger and I agree and walk to class with one another, maybe we could become friends, who knows?

Two months later.

Sam, Charlie, Masson and Tammy were all lounging around on the sofas. "Okay, so my birthday is coming up and I don't know what to do, I always have a party but I feel like a change?," Tammy implies. "I'm going away for a week to my nans in Palm Springs," Masson says. "Oh my gosh, take me, I need a tan urgently," Tammy throws a pillow at Sam playfully because Sam is naturally tanned.

"I could do with one too," Charlie joins in the girls. "You wanna?," Masson ask. "I..I.. Was joking, you being serous?," Tammy jumps off the sofa as her eyes beam with excitement. "Yeah, I could ask my nan if it would be alright and we could all go for the summer which happens to be this Friday," Masson turns to face Tammy and Sam. "Tammy your birthdays on Saturday this would be so much better than a party!," Samantha says happily. "I'll ring my mum, sh it's ringing," Masson says. "Hello mum... Yeah I'm fine.. Yeah.. Yeah.. I know.. So you know that I'm going to grammars for the summer?.. Can.. Uh.. Charlie, Tammy and Sam go with me?.. Really?... Yeah.. Yeah.. I will.. you too..bye," *hangs up.*

"Well?," Tammy, Samantha and Charlie all asked at the same time while looking eagerly.

"Anyone packed?," Masson replies.

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