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I lay on my side not making any sounds, I remember being in the damp hospital with nurses buzzing in and out, patients coughing, I heard someone shouting out in agony. "Help," but it was drained out so it sounded more like "Halp," I waited a few more minutes hoping it would stop, but it didn't a few more joined in it was like a ghostly moan. I sat up and saw Masson asleep on the chairs, "Masson," I whispered he didn't wake up, not even a twitch. I watched him for a second then lay back down I don't remember the best, but at some point I must have fallen asleep.

I woke up lying on the floor it was snowing, I saw children running and screaming I was cold, I clutched myself tightly rocking backwards and forwards, it was no good I was still freezing I decided to get up and walk about, I walked over to this house the window had frost all over so I wiped it with my sleeve and I then began to press my face against the window, pulling myself up by the frame. I looked inside and I saw a loving family. A mother and farther I decided that's what you would say in those sort of days. It must have been round about the war period, I knew this because I saw bomb shelter in the right hand corner it appeared it was for the church. There was a massive Christmas Tree, real presume. Decorated right to the top with dazzling jewels, the underneath was scattered with presents for the homeless like we do in my town back home, oh how I wish to be back in my own bed tucked up nice and cosy, will I ever get home? I thought to myself just then I saw a scarecrow skipping down the lane the one from The Wizard of Oz now I knew this was a dream all I had to do was wake up, I wasn't waking up every single moment I was making was happening to myself in the dream, I started to roll on the floor it was no use I carried on walking my heart was beating fast. I began to run, I ran into a forest where I just couldn't it any longer, I fell to the ground, I was lying in the snow I cried, pathetic whimpers and tears streamed down my face, I froze gently. I let the angles take me....

"Samantha," I opened my eyes and saw a large blue figure towering over me, I felt them kiss the top of my head. I saw them leaving not knowing who it was. I sat up looking around for Masson, I called out to him no one came he left me lying there after he promised to be there for me when I woke up, I slid under the quilt tossing and turning I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up to a weird feeling after having the most freighting dream. I lay there with my eyes wide open not seeing a thing, I just saw shapes and shadows it was blurry, I heard someone coming into the room I know this now because the door has a tiny squeak. Oh how I hoped it was Masson, but no it wasn't it was one of the nurses "elo love, how's ya feeling?,"she spoke with a British accent. She opened the curtains and things became clear I could see all my surroundings including the nurse she had bright red, firing hair and bright lips to match she was wearing a white uniform. Someone was knocking on the door, the nurse went over and let Masson in. "Sam, how are you feeling?," he says. "Where was you? I woke up and no one was here...," I bared my teeth. "I know my parents called me 8:OOAM to make it up to you," he took a step aside and Kacey burst through the door "SAMMYSUNSHINE!," she screamed and jumped up onto my hospital bed. "Masson came and picked me up at seven in the morning at first I thought he was joking, but he then explained and he gave me a left to the hospital by the way these are for you," she carried on talking and gave me a bouquet of tulips. "Then we got stuck in traffic and oh my gosh I can't believe what happened well here I am, your mascara looks awful," Kacey says very quickly. "Gee thanks Kace I can always count on you for compliments," I say. "No I didn't mean it like that uh I meant," Kacey stuttered. "I was being sarcastic," I pull Kacey in for a massive girly hug. "Your parents just texted me. They're going to be here in two hours time," Masson says. "Parents can text?," Kacey looked confused. Me and Masson just looked at her and giggled like idiots.

Four hours later.

*Sam's parents came and picked Samantha up, Masson headed home, Sam was back at her house with older sister Tammy it was half one in the afternoon and everyone was having a Sunday dinner on a Friday night Samantha didn't go to school that day after only just getting out of the hospital Brittany the nurse with red hair gave Samantha lavender crutches, she dug them out of the supply room in the hospital so not only did Sam walk out of the hospital feeling good about herself, breathing in the sunshine she also walked out in style. Tammy kept reminding Sam on the ride home.

"How's the chicken?," Mrs jones asked Sam. "I added something new," she says. Mr Jones, Sam and Tammy all answered by carry on eating the Mr Jones raised his head and replied. "Delicious,"

After dinner I decided to ring Masson to tell him I won't be in tomorrow, nurse Brittany said not to put pressure on my ankle for a few days so mum said it would be best to have the day of school rather than walking to lessons every hour.

I dialled the number and I was waiting for Masson to pick up.

"Hello?," an unknown voice called. "Hi, is Masson there?," there was muffled noises in the background. "Oh hi Sammy, yes Masson's here but he can't talk to you right now...," there was a long silence. "Uh okay? Well um can you tell him to ring back later?," I say. "He's busy," I take a deep breath. "All night?," ... "All week, month, year honey he hasn't got time for you!," I look down. "Okay?... Well thanks Mrs Lee.," I was about to hang up when the voice spoke again. "Sweetheart, it's Becca, ciao,"

Becca hung up. My mind was going to explode I had all these crazy scenarios playing inside my head involving Masson and Becca.

I dropped the phone on the floor and ran up the stairs, I ran past Tammy who was just going downstairs. "What's wrong?," my sister called. I ignored her and shut the door to my room, I threw the teddies off my bed and lay there, tears falling down my face.

Another four hours passed

I'm still lying on my bed I gathered I fell asleep because I don't remember lying there for hours on end. I propped myself up and grabbed my iPhone, I scrolled down my contacts and found Kacey's number, I clicked and it rang three times I was about to put the phone down until she answered.

"Hello!?," she spoke. "K..a..cey,"I couldn't stop crying, I stuttered and blubbered like a baby. "Sam, what is it?," I sniffed "I-I-I was phoned M-Masson and B...Becca answered," tears rolled down my face. "I'm sure they're just friends,---," "friends?!?!," I demand. "Sam, I've got to go my tears ready, I'll call you later, cya," Kacey hanged up.

Sam felt like the world was turning against her and what made matter worse that she wasn't in school tomorrow to see if everything was okay...

Sam laid there for a while thinking all kinds of thoughts racing through her head about why Becca had answered Masson phone. She sat up and searched for her phone under the covers, she picked it up an was looking into it like it was the sun, due to how bright it was. The time read 9:44PM, no missed calls, no text, no nothing from anyone not even Kacey. I wonder why she hasn't called I thought inside my head.

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