o n e | leave

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[ Cursive is flashbacks, regular is present (:: ]

Murphy needed him now. Right now, not then, not before. Now. Murphy needed Bellamy right this moment, but he knew not even Bellamy could help him this time. He was too far gone. Bellamy had been there and saved Murphy every day, but now he's gone, and he'll never come back. Because of Murphy.

"Hey, babe, can you help me carry this? It's too heavy." the dark haired boy laughed at his boyfriend, holding the end of a large table.

"Sure, Bell." the slim, blue eyed boy rushed over to Bellamy and lifted the other end of the table. The taller of the two gestured to the other side of the room and Murphy picked the table up, gently helping him carry it to where Bellamy had pointed. Bellamy pulled the boy in front of him into a quick, thank you-kiss.

"Hey do you want to go grab something to eat?" Murphy asked his boyfriend.

"Obviously!" Bellamy's face lit up with the biggest smile, and so did Murphy's. They loved food.

"Where are you, Bell?!" Murphy's frustrated voice filled the silent forrest he was currently in. "Can't you see? I'm a wreck! I need you! And you left me, Bellamy. You left me." The black firearm in his hands was almost invisible in the dark. He let a final sob escape his lips. "I love you, Bellamy." He then lifted the gun to his chest and was about to pull the trigger when he suddenly heard a voice behind him.

"I love you too, Murphy." He turned around, a shadow greeting him behind a tree. Was it really him? Was he really back?

"Bellamy?" Murphy asked quietly.

"Hmm?" he answered the shy boy.

"Promise you'll never leave me?" His voice broke as the words shakily left his mouth.

"I promise."

"Bellamy? Are you really there?" tears were falling down his cheek as he desperately awaited an answer from the boy he thought he had lost forever.

"Bellamy?!" Tears were now rolling down his cheeks like a faucet. It was all in his mind, he wasn't back, nor would he be. Ever.

Murphy pulled up on Bellamy's driveway, smoothly exciting his vehicle. Making his way to the door he didn't recognize the step in front of him until he was laying on top of it and the sound of his laughing boyfriend filled the air.

"You're so clumsy, Murphs." Bellamy laughed in between breaths.

"Shut up." Grabbing the laughing boy's hand, he quickly pulled himself off of the payment.

"Let's go for some ice cream." Murphy suggested once Bellamy had calmed himself. He nodded eagerly and followed the shorter boy to the car and got in the passenger seat.

"Music?" He asked

"Sure." Bellamy smiled and grabbed the aux chord and plugged it in. The sound of twenty one pilots flooded out from the speakers.

"I LOVE THEM" Murphy shouted over the loud music, so Bellamy could hear.

"I KNOW, ME TOO!" He smiled.

When they finally got to the ice cream shop Bellamy continued singing the song they had last listened to.

"Hands held higher, we'll be on fire!" He shouted and smiled at his embarrassed boyfriend.

"You promised, Bellamy, you promised that you'd never leave me."
Soo, that was chapter one! Hope you liked it, chapter two will come up as soon as someone actually reads this lol

xx Ellie

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