Training Day 1: Yazmere

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So it's pretty obvious that Chad wants to run the show. I'm feeling like a secret girls alliance might be needed. But for now I'm just gonna go along with him. Chad started to exclude Mariana and I felt kinda bad so I took him to the side and told him she would be a valuable member even though I don't know if that's true, but he bought it. So six careers. Normally there's only five but I guess the game is evolving as it grows. We start at knives, Katrina excels at them. Hitting the center of the target every time. Then we go to speed and agility. Me and the boy from district four are the best at it, Victor I think his name is. Anyways when it wasn't my turn I looked around at the other tributes. Only a few stood out to me as threats. We soon went over to hand combat, I was the best and beat everyone else. Spear throwing was Mariana and Marco's best skill. Although she was better with a trident but basically same thing. Victor liked the swords and was ok at them I guess. He was better at archery. I was the best when we used weapons like sticks and simple things without sharp ends. I love wrestling and know the weak spots of the human body. Chad just kinda used his muscles I guess, he likes the hammers and axes. Soon we knew everyone's weaknesses and abilities. I thought it was a good morning. During lunch obviously us careers sat together. Chad and Victor talked loudly while the rest of us just kinda ate our food in silence ignoring the stares.

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