Night One/Day Two

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Me and my ally Helen were walking through the jungle when we stumbled upon Hue. Wow. The only other gay guy OF COURSE! I blushed and Helen yelped. "Alliance?" He asked. We agreed and decided to camp there because it was getting dark out. It would be nice having someone as old as Hue around. I quickly fell asleep, we let Hue keep watch. I woke up to a weird feeling I had never felt before and saw Hue on top of me. I widened my eyes and was ready to scream but his hand got to my mouth first. My pants were off and so were his and he was holding my hand making me touch his- omg. I bit his hand and harshly whispered "I do not want to lose my virginity to someone I don't even know in the Fucking Hunger games!"
"Well I thought because we were probably gonna die we may as well not die virgins."
I tried to squirm free but he was almost twice the size of me being three years older. I tried to grab my knife but he had a firm grasp on my hands. "Please." I begged. But he wouldn't listen. He tied my hands around a tree and duck taped my mouth shut with the supplies he found at the cornucopia. Then he thrusted. My eyes widened and a moan came out of my lips. He thrust over and over soon he got sweaty and it started to hurt. I tried to get Helens attention but she was sound asleep. It hurt and soon I started to bleed. I was soaked in cum, sweat, and blood after he finally stopped and untied me. I tried to fight his grasp but couldn't and he had me on the ground. His hands were holding onto my head, as he slid upward. No no no! He undid the duck tape and thrust his dick inside of my mouth. I contemplated biting down but I didn't want all the blood and gross stuff inside my mouth. Soon he started coming and I just kept spitting it out of the side of my mouth. Once he was done, he zipped up his pants, untied me, and told me. "If you say a word I will kill you." I nodded and decided to not sleep under the same blanket as him and instead sleep on the ground. Shivering. Curled up into a small ball I felt violated and scared.
In the early morning I woke up to Hue snoring. I was so angry at him. I couldn't believe someone would do that. Without thinking, I grabbed my knife and stabbed him in the chest. Again and again. He was so RUDE! He didn't even care about WHAT I HAD TO SAY! "Boom" A few hours later Helen woke up and I told her I caught him trying to kill her. I never wanted to have to remember that. We decided to walk to find a new place to sleep.
I cried last night. I was all alone in a dark scary building. One of my allies was dead. Zenin was kinda close I guess but him and Regina were all I had. Now I don't know where Regina is and I just heard a cannon go off and I'm just super scared. Peering out of my window I see the careers coming back. One of them is being carried. She looks super hurt. After a few hours a group of them takes off, probably searching for tributes like my to kill. They leave the injured girl and I think, the boy from one? Maybe. I just sit there watching. The girl seems to be complaining but I can't really tell from here. I see the guy pick up a sword and start to walk towards the girl. Oh my gosh! "Boom" HE KILLED HER! Omg. I cannot believe that would happen so early in the games. I sit there watching until the group comes back. Then I drift to sleep.

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