Meeting new people // chapter 1

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Today was just a usual day at my job in the local cafe serving a customer as you do, when I heard the oh so familiar voices of my friends Charlie, Lucy, Ellie and Tristan come in, accompanied by 3 other guys that I had never seen before. I took this opportunity to take their orders. "So guys I guess you're not taking out today" I said letting out a slight laugh. "What can I get you all?" I continued. They all said their orders, and Tristan came up to pay. "So tris who are those 3 with you?" I asked him, trying not to make it too obvious. "Oh those three?" He virtually shouted. It was too late now as they'd got up and were making their way over to me. "Yeah?" They all said in sync.

"She was wondering who you three muppets are" Tristan said, nodding his head at me. "She has a name actually" I said slightly sarcastically. "And it's Laura, by the way, and you are errr-" "brad" the one with brown curly hair interrupted. "And that's James" he pointed to his left "and Connor" he pointed to his right. "it's lovely to meet you three" I smiled at them, receiving the same back. I'd be lying if I said they weren't good looking cause daaammnnnn they were smokin'. I saw John the manager taking over most the orders so I told them to go sit whilst I bought over the rest. "You can finish there today Laura, thanks for your help!" He said as I walked past him. Yes, result! I went and grabbed a chair and pulled it up in between Lucy and Charlie.

"Luce can I er talk to you a sec please?" Tristan said standing up, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah sure" Lucy said, walking over to the corner of the shop. We were all focussing on them until Brad interrupted our lip reading. "20 questions?" He suggested. "I'm up for that" Charlie said, smirking slightly. "Me too!" Ellie said raising her eyebrows. "Lets get started then!" James said, rubbing his hands together, looking rather eager.

"Ok let's get straight down to it" brad said. "Single?" He continued himself. A chorus of yes came from all 3 of us. "What about you guys then?" Ellie eagerly asked. "Yep" they all stated. I was in shock, how could people that attractive not have girlfriends?! "Age?" Connor asked. "19" I said "18" said Ellie "same as Ellie" Charlie smiled. "Laura's just old" Ellie winked. "Hey! You two will reach this age one day don't worry!" I said nudging her. "What about you?" I asked, focussing back on them. "19" said James, "18" said brad "same as brad" said Connor (A/N I know Connors 17 but yeah for the story ok) "ah James and Laura can be old together!" Ellie winked again and I blushed, that never happens!! "Mention I'm old one more time and I'll beat you with my walking stick" I joked.

"Ok who's beating who with a walking stick?!" Lucy said coming over with tris with their arms wrapped firmly around each other. We just burst into laughter.

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