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As you can see I'm great at updating this story because I haven't updated in 2 months. Yep. Great job self.

Now, I'm going to camp (again might I add) on Sunday and then coming back on Friday. Then I have about 2 weeks until school starts for me. I really want to finish Could it be Love before that, but I don't know if I'm going to make it.

But anyways, that's not what I'm making this for. Nope. Oh wait... I haven't told them yet. Oh fudge. I'm ded. Oh well! I'm probably going to die anyway.

Also before you continue reading I recommend just rereading my update 16/5/16. Like HIGHLY recommend. Go read it. Now. Bye, see you soon.

You back? Ok, so you're probably thinking why does that update have anything to do with this one? Well, you remember when I wrote that the chances of him asking me out are very slim?

Yeah, well. Funny story.

So, I honestly have no idea why I'm writing this because I don't know for sure. But, he might have asked me out but I don't know.

Like he asked me if I was busy on Sunday, and I said yes because I'm going to camp. And he responded with never mind then. And I went on to say we could do something a different time, and he wants to go see a movie with me.

Honestly, when it first happened I was dying. So, you know Willow in my books? Yeah, she's real, so I texted her. She said it was probably just as friends, and I believed her.

But, answer me this. If it was just as friends would he be texting new more than 3 times about it? Especially when I said I'll text him later about it?

I honestly don't know anymore.

Plus, he started this whole text conversation by asking if he could ask me a question. That scares me.

Lilly, Crystal, Ivy, you know who I'm talking about. Advice please? I'm very cunfuzzled.

I'm just trying not to get excited. I'm waiting for what the future brings.

Sorry for the rant. I should just rename this to my life/rant book.


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