Chapter 0: Before it all changed

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I always thought my family was pretty sweet, like any other American family. Only if I knew the lies and deception behind the masquerade. The thunderstorm behind all the shiny, happy complections. The only question that burns deep within me is... Did my brother and mother know?

Now to start from the top. One of my most memorable memories is when I was around seven years old. Give or take. This was before the accident that left a hole in my heart and the start of a sharp tongue.

My father like any scientist was always gone. I didn't see him much around. I didn't know back then that he worked with animal DNA and traveled to other countries. I always thought that he had some laboratory top secret that he stayed cooped up in..... not so far from the truth now that I know how he really is. But as a seven year old I was always delighted to have him near by. I loved spending the little time we had together.

Now that I look back he was more of a teacher then a father. He would read to me about animals, biologist, anatomy, anything. Of course I was thrilled to listen to him, even if I didn't know what he was talking about.

My mother Sapphire was always kind and gentle. She had a soothing presence and I was always joyed to have her as my mother. She had a gentle voice but sometimes and in those rare occasions she had a nasty temper. Fowl mouth and all, she knew how to hit hard both physically and verbally but she never turned her anger towards my brother or myself.

My older brother Raphael or Raph. I had a special nickname for him, Raphie.... he hated that name. He had the same temper as my mother. I swear that he had it worse. He would throw things and had temper tantrums to last for days until my mother bought him a punching bag. The magic of that punching bag did wonders, it was his medicine. Of course he was still angry most of the time, but now he was more controlled. He was rough around the edges but I knew he cared deeply about my mother and me. He had great devotion to my mother, he would take care of me when she had to do errands or went to work. Even with a babysitter, Raphie would make snacks or watch shows with me. He was like my Guardian Angel. Three years older than me..... ten years old and his life ended.

It happened on a sunny day. Who knew with the sun smiling onto you, it could turn so dark.

It was a rare day when my father was home and we were alone. My mother left to take my brother to the doctor. Raphie wanted me to go with him but a special trait of mine is to be stubborn. I wanted to stay with my father, spend my quality time with him. My mother was reluctant but promised to come back for me because she had a surprise for both Raphie and me.

All I remember from that second was Raphael's amber gaze on me. His golden brown eyes on my face, forever imprinted on my mind. Never again to be seen full with life.

With a gentle click from the door closing I went to my father's office on the second floor. As a kid I was always calm. One could say I was Raphael's polar opposite. I always knew in myself that I lacked my brother and mother's fire. Their anger.

I wasn't shy or timid but quiet and observing. I liked silence. I wasn't a fan of confusion or loudness, instead I dwelled in silence and constructed my consciousness around the things that happened around me. I was always weird like that. Raph always told me I was gonna be a scientist just like father. Only if he knew..... how wrong he is.

Raph and my father never saw eye to eye. Raph at all costs would rebel against our father. He would shy away from him, like if our father was a disease. An abomination. Only if I knew back then....

Anyway I spent my time in his office just watching him work around some papers and hearing him mumble, when the phone chimed.

My father got up from his slouched position and walked out of the room without a single glance at me. He must have forgotten I was there, I don't blame him. Its what happens when you're a quiet child. You just blend into the background.

I follow him part way. I stay up on the second floor while he answers the phone on the wall on the first floor. I watched his expression change from neutral form to a tight pinched one. He got stressed. I watched him mumble a few words back and hang up, a bit harder than necessary. From where I was perched I could hear him mumble, "another one failed, not surprised." I see him make a beeline to the front door and I don't even dare raise my voice.

I knew he wouldn't have heard me anyway, and it wasn't the first time he's left me all alone. Later on I would pretend it didn't hurt.

Instead I went to the window to see him drive off, a grey Toyota zooming off into the distance. I went back into my room and grabbed a few toys, a small red car that belonged to Raph, a stuffed fox that I got for my birthday, and a unfinished planetary book. Once obtaining my objects I went back into my father's room and sat in the corner, back pressed against the wall I entertained myself.

I remember falling asleep, my breaths evening out as the sunset and the light vanished. I was never afraid of the dark but sometimes I would pretend so I could get a hug out of Raph or my mother. Too bad I never got to feel their arms again.

"Ruby! Ruby!"

I jolted awake at the desperation of my father's voice. Slowly I got up and rubbed my tired eyes and met my father outside of his room.

My father scooped me up before I could say anything and I noticed his ragged breathes and the trembling of his hands.

"Eh? What wrong?"

He just continued to breath and ignored me. I just gave up and dangled in his arms. Waiting for his breathing to even out. I just stared at his wall until I noticed the clock on it.

11:52 a.m.

"Where's Raphie?"

I heard a loud hitch. "Raph Isn't here. He isn't coming back."

"What?" I looked at my father to see his eyes bright with tears and I confirm my suspicion. I may look dumb but I was never stupid. I knew by his tone that something bad had happen to them.

I don't remember crying or screaming, all was a blur that whole month. I don't even remember their funeral, or where their graves are. My father thought that it was appropriate for me to not know, but as a small tribute I put up two roses in a vase on that day. One blue for my mother and one red for my brother.

Years passed on and their absence left a hole in my soul, my mind, and heart. All I have left of him is a golden necklace that says Raphael, made out of gold, that I keep with me all the time.

I found it on my toy fox that Raph had given me for my 5th birthday. That day I do remember crying. All night in the silence of my new home.

My father finally told me of how they died. They were in a car crash because of a drunk guy decided to walk in front of my mother's car. They never did find his body only his ripped up shirt and bloody sunglasses with lots of vodka bottle lying around. The investigators only concluded that wild animals dragged his body away or he is left to rot out into the woods. My mother and brother died instantly, I never got to see their bodies. Then again the only thing I remember about them is Raph's eyes.

We moved away from Colorado. My father became very distant after we moved, well even more then he use to. He decided to spend his time into his "scientific problem" so I was left alone most of the time, not that I minded. It was like sharing a house with a stranger, well at least he always payed the rent and left money so I could buy groceries, so it wasn't all that bad, just a bit lonely and a never ending silence.

Since my mothers and brothers death I also changed. Their deaths ignited something within me. My quietness is now replaced with my loudness. My polite gestures now have turned sour with my sarcastic remarks. My calm attitude turned mischievous. But the silence never ended.


So as my first book on wattpad I've had this story posted since forever and I've decided to go more into depth than it previously was. Lol, its great to be back! And thanks for the support. Also the cover isn't mine.

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