Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Years later

Dark brown flecks spiraled in all sorts of directions, across the long span of feathers, each of the flecks seem to reach the tips of the wings despite my distant view from the ground. Zooming out of the powerful limbs, yellow orbs stared back with incredible intelligence as the bird soared even higher without breaking eye contact. Blue azure skies seem to open up wider as the large bird circled around, yet the skies seemed to want to swallow me whole as my eyes did not stray from the majestic bird that seems to get bigger as it got closer. Without fear my arm reaches out as an invitation to the bird in the sky.

Pride swelled as the bird gave a harsh cry but did not falter in its path to perch on my arm. Black like talons stretched out as it got closer, with it's wings flaring as the bird slow down. Wind caressed my face as-

Bee-! B-eep! Be-p!

I groaned as the imaged that used to have so real  slowly started to drain away.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

With years of practice under my belt, I carelessly fling my covers over as I stumble towards the demon itself. With my vision still hazy, I expertly navigate my fingers toward the switch to turn it off. Pure silence envelops my room once again as I simply toss the digital clock into my closet and out of my sight.

Knowing that I only have at minimum twenty minutes to get to school, I make my way towards the bathroom. Not daring to look at myself just yet in the mirror, I begin my morning ritual of making myself more presentable to the world. Once feeling more refreshed I make my way back into my bedroom to look for clothes, not really caring to look stunning but at best adequate since the school year is almost over. With a last sigh I make my way downstairs to find my... father staring at the television in the living room. What the hell is he doing here?

Keeping my surprise at bay, I head for the kitchen but not before peeking over my shoulder to see if he sensed my presence. My stomach coiled as he didn't even twitched with all the noise that I was making. Baring my teeth as I passed by the calendar, I look for any fruit that my satisfy my dry throat since my appetite has been spoiled.

The scent of citrus rushed into my nose as I started peeling the orange, not wanting to glance back into the living room. My blood was slowly starting to simmer as I took notice of the calendar next to the fridge. Two weeks... Two weeks since I have last heard or seen my father. It has been the longest he has been away with ten days being his usual record. Hurt and pain flashed through my heart but I pushed it down as I lean into the counter to study his face.

Biting into a slice of orange and ignoring the fruity taste, I begin to take notice of his pale skin that was a few shades paler than what used to be two weeks ago. The unusual lines and creases that littered his face as well as his unkempt hair that looked like a mop having a bad time at a party, but most of all he radiated stress.

I almost flinched at the harsh dry cough that spewed from his cracked lips into his hands. Guilt started to curl in the pit of my stomach, overcoming the rage that use to reside there. Keeping his blank face within my sight I took notice of what he was watching. News of the latest kidnapping appeared on the lower half of the television, the rest was focused on a blond lady talking to a weeping woman. In the background was a school building with yellow tape blocking all the entrances. The familiar 'DO NOT ENTER' sign made my heart skip a beat, the school was not far from here, a few towns over at most.

"Somebody find my s-s-son! Roberto! Please if someone knows of my s-son!" Pure agony showed on the woman's face as she continued to talk and plead with anyone that knew of where her son might have went. Going as far to describe the tattoo on his wrist and the clothing he was last seen wearing.

Turning away with a heavy heart I glance at the clock to see that I'm ten minutes at most late already. Silently cursing, I don't spare another glance towards my father as I rushed out the door.


A sigh escaped me as soon as I got out of my class and headed towards the cafeteria, knowing that my two friends would be there. Amber and Nayeli have been my friends since the day that I moved here years ago. They helped me with the hole that my brother and mother left upon their death as well as filled the silence when my father would leave for work. All in all, they became my family when everything else broke down in my life.

By the time I made my way towards the cafeteria they already had the table setup with all of our lunches. Luckily for me today is Nayeli's turn to make and bring lunch. Since the cafeterias lunch menu has been going from bad to worst over the years, all three of us have devised a schedule of where someone bring lunch one day and alternate for the next. It helped that Nayeli's mom was an excellent cook and passed down her teachings to her daughter who in turn make food for Amber and me.

A grin stretches across my lips as I sit down at our round table.

Nayeli who sat towards my left was wearing her usual pink jacket that was rolled up at her arms and her traditional long brown hair rolled how her shoulder in a braid. Blue jeans hugged her legs and many different bracelets dangled from her wrists. Towards my right Amber had yet to sit down but like Nayeli, she's also wearing her own light pink jacket with light blue pants. Dark brown hair cascaded over her shoulders as she sat down with a grin of her own, hazel eyes twinkling with mischief on her tan face.

I could only groan in exasperation as Amber leaned over and opened her mouth to spill the beans on her latest stunt when the cafeteria itself quieted down. Amber let out a giggle as I turned towards the direction that everyone was apparently looking at. Nayeli let out a stiff sigh as the murderous figure came into view.

Snapping my head towards Amber I mouthed off, "Is that Mayra?"

Amber exaggerated her eye roll but nonetheless mouthed back, "Who else?"

My eyebrows rose towards my hairline as I took in her appearance. Literally colors of every kind drenched her form, from the top of her hair towards her shoe laces which I knew were not green this morning. Her usual 'perfect' complexion was shaded is various colors of which she probably tried to scrub off by taking in the rosy shade of her skin. Although more horrid was her stare of hatred that seemed to be aimed in my direction.

Looking back towards Amber, I decided to mouth my next words carefully since the cafeteria was still silent, "What did you do?"

"Me? Nothing."

I sarcastically nodded, "Yeah and she ain't looking in our direction, right."

"It's not my fault, although she's just probably blaming me."

"Why?" Nayeli asked glancing back and to from Mayra towards Amber.

Amber's eyes matched the grin on her face, "She tripped over my backpack in art. Although her landing could have been more graceful."

Nayeli snickered quietly, "Gosh couldn't she pick a better landing spot."

I glanced back towards Mayra and found her making her way towards us, a thunderous look on her face. Hair standing on end I couldn't help but mutter out "Well landing or not, Skittles is making her way over here."


A/N:Hello guys, long time no see. Anyway this my revised work. Hopefully its better than the last one since my writing style has changed a lot. Never been more proud of my work.

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