PS:Tom-Both Finding Out

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This is the beginning of my Tom Pregnancy Series that was requested by holliebee_xox so I hope you enjoy it and I will do Loki and Jonathan too.

You sat on the edge of the bath with your head in your hands. Finally, after what seemed like forever, you heard the little beep letting you know that the test had it's result. Reaching over to grab it, you took in a deep breath, already sort of aware of what the outcome was likely to be. Two Lines. Positive. Again. That's 5 tests and 5 positives. You were so excited to have a baby but Tom you weren't so sure about. It wasn't how long you had been together that was the problem. You'd been with Tom for 4 years but you knew he wanted to get married first before having children. Well that plan has gone down the drain now. Tom hadn't popped the question yet meaning you were pregnant and still just boyfriend and girlfriend.

Chucking the test in the bin you didn't bother to hide it. You knew that you had to tell Tom today or you would keep making excuses. You had already kept it to yourself for a week. While Tom was in work until 7pm you decided to find a cute way to tell him, hoping it might soften the shocking blow a little. Looking at the clock it was 2pm now so you sat down and Googled ways to tell him the news. You found the cutest way to announce the news to him ever.

You were going to make him a romantic meal and make fortune cookies with the announcement in them. Deciding he would like it if they were homemade, you found a recipe and went shopping to buy everything you needed. Time went so quickly and before you knew it, it was 6:30. You looked around your house to see that it was spotless. You had the fortune cookies on the table ready and three other batches in the bin. There were candles and Tom's favourite wine on the set up table. You were actually proud of what you had achieved in 4 and a half hours. Lastly, you ran to get dressed into slightly cleaner clothes. Just as you were walking back to the kitchen to check on your meal you were cooking, you heard the door open. Slight anxiety kicked in but you tried to push it away. If you were happy then Tom should be too.

"Y/N I'm ho-" Tom stopped as he saw you come into view and saw everything you had done.

He smiled as you walked over to him before kissing him gently on the lips.

"Welcome home," you chuckled at his confused expression.

"What's all this for?"

"You. Am I not aloud to surprise and spoil my boyfriend without a reason?"

He took off his coat and placed it on the banister next to you. He cocked his head and looked at you suspiciously.

"Normally when you cook for me, it means you've done something wrong."

You laugh, "I haven't done anything, I promise. Just sit down and I will bring you your food."

Tom sat down and eyed up the fortune cookies.

"Did you make these too?" he asked.

You nodded and he laughed.

"Wow, I'm impressed."

He picked one up and went to bite it but you hit it out of his hand quickly. He looked up at you confused.

"They're for afterwards greedy. Be patient," you scolded him like a mother but really you were frightened for him to see the news before he appreciates all of your effort into this meal.

You plated up the food and you both began to eat. For a while, you even forgot about being pregnant. That was until Tom offered you wine, not noticing you had been drinking water all of your meal. You declined and then decided you needed to tell him now.

"Have you tried a fortune cookie yet?" you asked.

He shook his head, "the last time I tried to have one you smacked it out of my hand. Am I aloud one now?"

You laughed, "sure go ahead and try one."

With a lump in your throat and anxiety in your stomach  you watched him pick one up and snap it open.

"Oh, you even put some paper in them!" he sounded happy, "that's cute."

He took the paper out.

"Read it to me," you smiled.

Tom opened it and his eyes went wide.

"You're going to be a dad," Tom said to you before looking up at you with a huge smile on his face.

"Is this a joke?"

You shook your head not able to speak yet.

"Oh my God, Y/N I'M GOING TO BE A DAD. YOUR GOING TO BE A MUM. AND WE'RE GOING TO BE PARENTS," Tom shouted before getting up and wrapping you in a huge hug. You felt tears fall down your face and Tom pulled back, looking at you confused.

"Aren't you happy?" he asked.

"Of course I am, I was just so worried that you wouldn't be," you admitted.

Tom chuckled, "So what if this hasn't happened the way we wanted it to. We're still going to have a baby!"

"This couldn't have happened at a better time because I have something to say too," Tom smiled.

You looked up at him confused. He pulled something out of his pocket and knelt down on one knee in front of you. You began to cry even more.

"Y/N, we are lucky enough to be having a baby together. And this couldn't have been a better time to tell you that I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to call you my wife from now on, not my girlfriend. And I will also be proud to call you the mother of our child. So will you do the honours and become Mrs Y/N Y/M/N Hiddleston?"

You managed to choke out a "Yes" and Tom placed the beautiful sparkly ring on your finger.

That's when you realised that there is no perfect plan to go about life. You just need to let life run it's plan for you and in the end it will be perfect. And with Tom being your future husband and a baby on the way, it couldn't get any more perfect. 

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