Loki-Stockholm Syndrome

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You rubbed the raw areas of your wrists and hissed in pain at the feeling of your cold hands on your burning marks.

"Mortals," Loki complained, "can't even deal with having a pair of handcuffs on."

You looked up at him and sigh, "Well you have kept me in them for the past week, and not everyone has Godly abilities."

He walked across the almost empty factory and leant down in front of you.

"Hold out your hands," he whispered and you did as he said.

He winced himself as he saw the marks you had on your arms, not realising they would be this bad. He looked at you with a sad sympathy that made you want to kiss him there and then but you knew that no matter what your feelings, you could not let yourself fall in love with the man who had killed thousands of people in New York and kidnapped you right from underneath your uncle Tony's nose.

"I- I didn't realise handcuffs had- have this much of a bad effect on you," he attempted to explain his actions but stumbled on his words.

"Loki, it's okay. They're off now and they'll heal," you tried to act as if what he was doing was fine but your head was arguing with you, telling you that you shouldn't be defending him.

"No, no it's not okay," he argued and he placed his large,  freezing cold hands on my wrist and you grimaced.

His hands turned blue and you looked up to see his face blue too. You gasped at his true Jotun form being revealed for the first time in front of your eyes. He looks at you, worried that you'd be frightened of him, but you smile at his beautiful real identity. His frozen and icy blue skin was breath-taking and the defined patterns etched into his skin were mesmerising.

You eventually tore your gaze from your enchanted stare and looked at where he was holding your hands to see your skin turning blue underneath his touch. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What are you doing?" you asked.

"Shh," he answered, leaving you still in uncertainty.

You continued to watch as your hands slowly faded back into it's original colour and Loki smiled at you gently before moving his hands away. A smile carved itself into your face as you realised what he had done. He had used his powers to get rid of the marks on your arm that the handcuffs had once created.

"Thank you," you exclaimed.

"It's the least I can do," he mumbled seeming shy all of a sudden.

As long as you've known Loki, he has never once been shy. Before the attack on New York, Loki was placed into a cell in SHIELD, and he was always cocky and confident. You'd secretly go to visit him when Tony wasn't constantly checking up on you. You wouldn't exactly say he was your friend but you did know that he was just a broken man and you hoped to be able to help put him back together. You spent a week visiting him until he escaped and you hadn't seen him since. That was until he grabbed you from the Avengers tower somehow and brought you here. This place was untraceable which is why no one had found you yet. Plus Loki hadn't left here and now was the only time he had trusted you to take off your handcuffs and move around even though there was no way you could get out of this place. Loki had been building something and no matter how much you asked him about it he wouldn't tell you a thing about it.

"I just need company, " he'd say, "Only a week to go and then I'll be done."

Loki got up and so did you. Of course you hadn't really moved much for the last week. Loki had brought you food and water and the only time he allowed you to move was when he took you to the toilet before handcuffing you back to the same post again.

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