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M a r c e l

The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I groaned and sat up on my bed. Thats when i noticed that Niall was gone. And i guess that would explain the fact that my window is open. Anyways I turned off my alarm and started getting ready. I heard my phone ring when I when I was putting on the gel on my gair. I quickly went over and got it. I checked the ID caller and I recognized the number. It was Niall. I smiled and answered him.

"Hello?" I said. "Hey babe, I'm calling to tell you that I'm going to pick you up so be ready" he said.

"Oh okay but do you think that everyone at school is gonna think you know. They're gonna mess with me even more. I know they will" I started panicking. He sighed. "It'll be alright. I'm going to be with you the whole time so don't worry" he said. I sighed. I'm not sure if it would be a good idea but he will be with me. "Okay then I'll see you in a few" I said.

"Yeah, I love you" he said. "I love you too" I said and hung up. I finished getting ready and then went downstairs where my parents were both sitting on the table talking but then turned when I walked in.

"Marcel please have a seat. We need to talk" my mom said. I gulped and sat down between them. "What do you need to talk to me about? You guys made it clear that I'm longer your guy's son and that I brought shame to you guys and all that shit." I said. My mom had winced when I said that I'm no longer their son and it was true they did say that. Well my mom didn't say it directly to me but that's what she meant and well my dad actually did say to my face so yeah.

"Marcel darling, after thinking about it last night we have come to something, it hurts us that because it wasn't what we wanted, but I guess you're old enough now to make your own decisions and how you want to live your life." My mom said. Wow. They say that I'm old enough now? I'll be turning eighteen in two weeks and they say that I'm old enough now. Wow just wow. I rolled my eyes and then as if cue the doorbell rang. "Well I better go or else I'm going to be late" I said and got up and walked to the door. I opened it and only to be greeted by a pair of lips against mine.

I giggled and pushed him back playfully. "Niall come on stop!" I said between kisses. He chuckled. I closed the door and walked over to his car. We both got in and then he grabbed my face and connected our lips. He asked for an entrance but I denied him. He kept licking my bottom lip to try and letting himself in. I felt him frown against the kiss. I felt his hand going up my thigh and squeezing it every now and then until he finally got to my crotch and I gasped.

He shoved his tongue in my mouth and started stroking me. He explored my mouth as I explored his. He eventually got me hard and to try and torture him too I placed my hand on his crotch and he groaned. I started stroking him and I felt him get hard under my hand. He then pulled towards him so that I would be straddling him. I rocked my hips against him and he let a throaty moan. With our lips still being connected we both were now moaning each time our hips would touch.

We both pulled back breathless. "Can't we just ditch and go somewhere to finish this? You always leave me so turned on and never finish" he panted. "You know i can't ditch" i panted too. We kept breathing in very heavily but stayed in our position not one of us wanting to move. He sighed and then motioned me to move back to my seat. "Okay then, lets get going" he said.

Once we were in the school's parking lot I started getting a little nervous. Niall took my hand in his and gave it a little squeeze. "It'll be alright" he said and gave me a swift kiss on the lips. We both got off and started walking towards the building. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and many people where looking at us all weird. I fixed my glasses and cleared my throat. "Many people are watching us" i whispered to Niall. He gave me a reasuring smile.

As he was walking me to my locker Chase and his friends walked up to us. "Well, well, well, who would of thought that the Niall Horan was gay and was dating the geek of the school" he said clapping his hands. "And what makes you think i'm dating him huh?" Niall said. I gulped and was getting a little anxious. "Well it looks like there something between you two" Chase said. He was glaring at Niall and sounded a bit jealous. I might be wrong but it was kind of clear that he was jealous.

"Why is that a problem to you?" Niall said obviously noticing Chase's behavior. Chase glared at Niall. I was getting a little confused. "Chase why you stay silent?" Niall said and then Chase stormed out. Niall quickly took me to my locker and then went to his without saying a word.

I grabbed my things and made my way to my first class. The week went by fast and the only class that I had with Niall he didn't talk to me or even look at me. It was very weird and it was really bugging me. At the end of the day on Friday I went to my locker and grabbed my things to head home. That's when I realized that I had come to school to with Niall. I headed for the parking lot and I noticed that Niall was gone. I sighed and started walking home. Why did i agreed for him to be taking me school when he wasn't even going to be with me or anything. We would stop like a couple of feet away from the school and i had to get off and walk by myself. 

When I was close to my house I heard someone yell out my name. I decided to ignore it and kept walking. "MARCEL!" The person yelled again. I kept ignoring who ever it was that was calling my name. I saw a car pull over next to me. I picked up the pace and I heard footsteps trying to catch up to me. "Marcel didn't you hear me?!" I recognized the voice and then I was spinned around to face him. It was Chase. "W-What do you want Chase" I stuttered since he was really pissed off. You were able to tell right away. 

"Tell me if you are dating that Niall guy" he spat. I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion. Why would he want to know if I am or not dating him? "Why do you want to know?" I asked. "Oh because if you are then i have something to show you, but if your not well it doesn't really matter" he said no longer pissed. Its really weird how he does that. 

"And what is the thing you were going to show me?" curiousity clear in my voice. "Answer me first, yes or no" I bit my lip and and looked away from him. I didn't want to tell him but i had to know what that something was. "Okay fine, I am dating him" my voice just above a whisper. I looked at him and he had his jaw clenched. "Well he's a wonderful boyfriend Marcel" his voice full of sarcasm, jealousy, and anger. I was really confused. "What do you mean by that?" 

He pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of Chelsea straddling Niall and kissing him. I took the phone away from his phone and looked at the picture closely. My vision started to get blurry by looking at the picture. “No, this is fake. I know it is! It has to be!” Tears started falling down my cheeks and I was embraced in a hug.

It took me a while to realize that Chase, of all the people was hugging me! The guy who bullied me, beat me up, and treated me like shit was now hugging me? “Marcel, I’m sorry of how I treated you before. I guess I started to bully you because I might’ve of been jealous that Niall had already claimed you as his.” He whispered. 

What? He got jealous so he decided to bully me?! Like what the actual fuck?! I push him away while tears still were falling down me cheeks. "You only bullied me because you were jealous that Niall had claimed me as his?! What the actual fuck?!" I yelled at him. He looked down at his feet and played with his hands. After a minute or so he looked up. 

“Marcel please hear me out! I’m sorry that I cause you all that pain but I didn’t mean any of it! I swear that I didn’t!” he said. Was he expecting me to just say, oh its okay Chase I forgive you for bulling me because you were jealous. No. He’s got everything wrong. “No! You made me so miserable! I hate you and your friends and specially Chelsea!” I yelled at his face and then turned around and headed home as fast as I could. Tears kept coming down my face continuously as I made my way there. After this I don’t want to see or talk to Niall ever again! 


Awwwww poor Marcel getting his heart broken. I'll update as soon as i can! #PROMISE!! Well hope you guys like it bye! 


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