-Chapter 16-

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I was strolling around when I seemed to have stumbled upon a university. I decided to look around just in case I could afford some extra education in the future. I followed this little path that ended up to what I assumed to be the middle of the campus, with a courtyard. There was a beautiful fountain in the middle and I decided to take a closer look. Along with the fountain there were trees I couldn't even recognize with their pink leaves descending towards the ground and then swiftly flying into the distant sky, a brick-like route in which small birds chirp and waddle along and finally a stone structure of a man who I didn't know.

I didn't see anyone around except for a boy on a bench, holding his backpack on his lap, who looked like he was sleeping. I quietly scooted next to him, trying not to disturb him. I inhaled and took in all of what had happened. As I gazed about I heard some kind of sniffle. I looked around where the sound had come from, and my eyes came upon the man next to me. I looked closer at him, and he wasn't sleeping at all. He had his face in his backpack because he was crying.

"Um..." I started, "Are you okay Sir?" I lowered my head down to his eyes and tried to smile lightly. His head lifted slowly and he looked very shocked by my presence.

"Oh um..." He quickly wiped his tears away and started to get up, "I'm sorry I didn't expect anyone else to be here..." He gathered his stuff.

I stood up and caught his arm, "Oh no! It's fine, what's wrong?" The man hesitantly sat back down.

"Some people... have been bullying me..."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I gently stroked and patted his back in an attempt to set his mind at ease. "It will get better. Just focus on school for the time being. There is no need to have this negative energy and people in your life!" I could notice a smile starting to form on his lips.

"I'm Kevin!" He said surprisingly enthusiastically with a hand out for me to shake. I shook his hand happily.

"I'm (y/n). Nice to meet you."

"Oh VERY nice to meet you too."

"Ah haha..." I unlatched my hand from his grasp and took my phone out from my purse. I noticed the time and checked the bus schedule earlier, and the next one was set to leave in about ten minutes. "I'm sorry, but I have to leave...Nice meeting you! I hope we will bump into each other in the future." I slowly stood up, unlike him who shot up out of his seat.

"Ah yes yes, bye bye!" The both of us bowed a comp lee 90 degrees and I walked away towards where I had came from.

—-1 Week Later—- 11:08 P.M. —-

I was trying to sleep on Junmyeon's bed yet again, since I had been having trouble sleeping for the last couple days. The guys were out celebrating their new album, or at least that's what they told me, so that's why I'm left all alone tonight.

Lately I couldn't help but think of Kevin. I have been bumping into him everywhere. And I mean, everywhere. For example, yesterday, for the fifth time this week, I was getting Sehun's daily dose of Chocolate boba, when I walked into Kevin sitting at one of the tables. But the weird thing was, he was just sitting there. He didn't have his phone, backpack, nothing. That's why I have been trying to somewhat avoid him, even though he seems to be the one to find me.

I suddenly heard Junmyeon and I's bedroom door start to unlock, followed by heavy footsteps coming from outside. I quickly closed my eyes before Junmyeon could come in and lecture me about how i should be getting some sleep. this had happened before. I could hear some rustling and movement coming through the room towards the bed I was on. I could feel it get really really close, I could feel the guy's breathe on my cheeks which confused me even more.



"Squiiiish." This strange person was poking my cheek and was very satisfied because he wouldn't stop.

"Squuuuuish." I shot my eyes open and the person screamed a very high pitched scream. My vision focused into the darkness and I found Chanyeol on his back with the most horrified expression on his face, and a hand over his heart. I crawled to the edge of the bed and looked at him expectantly.

"Now tell me Chanyeol Oppa, why in the world were you poking my cheek?"

"Oh...About that." He sat criss crossed right below my feet. What bothered me was that he was somehow still almost taller than me. "Well (y/n)-ah, I was supposed to check on you but I got a bit, carried away..."

Check on me?
"W-why would you need to check on me?"

"Ah!" It looked like another light bulb went off in his head, "Well Manager Hyung texted all of us saying that he saw a suspicious man trying to get into our floor. I was the only one close by s-" All the muscles in my body tensed up from fear, I guessed he noticed.

"Oh no don't think about it (y/n)-ah! Y-you don't have to worry! Haha... Ha. Ha..." I was still as stiff as a board. "(y/n)-ah. Don't worry. I'm here, the guys are here. We can protect you! Now get some sleep." He got up and skipped off to what I assumed to be his bedroom. I got up slowly and closed the door, and made my way back to Junmyeon/my bed. I laid down, still a bit shaken up. I curled up trying not to think about why Chanyeol was "checking up on me" but I still couldn't help but to feel scared. Why was a man trying to break in?


Revised; 2017.

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