-Chapter 18-

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I searched for him in every direction, and when I came upon him, he was just sitting on a bench alone, Yixing had strayed away from the guys. My palms began to sweat at the thought of approaching him first. I sat down a couple of feet away from him and he barely seemed to have acknowledged my presence which I didn't know if to think it was a good or a bad thing.I hesitantly poked him on his shoulder once or twice and he turned around with a surprised expression.

"Hi um Yixing...I was wondering if I could join you maybe this once?" His surprised expression turned to him looking very taken aback, and I wouldn't blame him. When he spoke it was the faintest of words.

"Um yeah, yeah sure." I let out a small smile as this was really one of our first interactions together.

I put my hand out on the occasion, "My name is (y/n), and it's a pleasure to meet you personally." I thought I could see a light smile appearing, but it was gone before I could understand that it happened.

"So, what do you like to do? Your interests and passions..." I asked.

"Well, I find dancing to be enjoyable and music as well."

"Oh really? I do also."


I looked at the cloudless sky with his response, "Dance, really does bring joy doesn't it?" I tilted my head towards him and to my surprise, he was listening, so I continued. "It has a power to bring people together and yet, still give people their individual voice and place in the world." He nodded his head quietly and I passed the question onto him, "Tell me about you. How does it make you feel? Dance and all of its powers haha."

"Well" He finally seemed to relax as he leaned back comfortably onto the back of the bench, "I feel happy and free. It gives me time to focus and clear my mind of stress and negativity." I nodded in agreement without noticing. Somehow we ended up in a position facing each other accepting the other's ideas.

I suddenly had the urge to let out a small laugh, "Isn't it strange? Five minutes ago we were almost complete strangers and now we're philosophically wondering about the truth of dance." His smile finally burst through his hard exterior.

"I guess you're right." He said.

All at once the sounds of what was happening close by came into view, and there was commotion.

"Oh?" Yixing stood slowly, "Looks like lunch is ready. (y/n), would you please accompany me to the picnic table?" The both of us couldn't stop smiling as I took his hand playfully.

"I would be glad to."

By the time we reached the table, the guys were crowded around ready to pounce on whatever, food or not, was given to them. I had long broken away from Yixing and Chanyeol was beside me, when an arm was brought around my shoulders with a large squeeze.

"See you made your way back!" He smiled, "Thought we lost you there." I smiled back to his silly comment. He then dragged me off to a seat in between Junmyeon and himself.

For once the meal was quiet and full of silent joy from eating the tasty food put out for us.

Following the end of lunch, I helped Junmyeon pack away the leftovers while everyone scattered once again.

"Junmyeon, isn't it a nice day?" I observed the sky once more.

"Mhm, it is nice." He said without looking away from what he was doing, I giggled at how focused he was.

Once we were about finished, Baekhyun jogged over to us excitedly.

"Hey Junmyeon guess who I found!"

Junmyeon glanced at me then back at Baekhyun confused, "Who?"

"Why, Mrs. Byun and Mrs. Kim along with all the others on their weekly afternoon walk together of course." And without another word, Baekhyun was off. 


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