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The assembly ended, and everyone left to head back to their rooms. We still didn't see any of the people we were looking for.

Connor and I stayed on the side of our rooms so we didn't smash into each other again.

"So, uh, see you later," Connor breaking the silence between us as he reached the door.

I looked at his face. He seemed a little worried or maybe nervous. Was it because of what happened with Drew?

"Yeah, see you. By the way, are you going to that big dinner thing tonight?" I asked.

"Of course. We could walk down together?" Connor said like it was a question.

"Sure. Hopefully we'll be able to find the gang this time. I'll text you when I head out," I stated.

He nodded and we both entered our rooms.

"Hey!" Megan greeted me.

"Hey!" I greeted back.

"How was the assembly for you?"

"It was okay. It was really cool to see the really popular YouTubers. But something weird happened during the assembly," I said, immediately wishing I hadn't.

"What happened?"

I mentally debated if I should tell her something so personal. Eh, what the heck.

"My ex-boyfriend texted me during the assembly asking me to take him back. He even sent me this pic," I said while turning my phone so she could see it.

"Oh my," Megan whispered with her eyes widened. "Are you gonna take him back?"

"I'm not sure."

"Do you want to?"

"Yeah. I think so."

"Well what's holding you back from saying yes?"

I didn't answer. Probably because I had no answer.

"I don't know."

Megan thought for a minute. "How did u guys even break up in the first place?"

I told her all the details about our relationship. How perfect we were, how he broke up with me, how heart broken I was, how we still kept in touch, how we still somewhat acted like a couple during the 4 months and 15 days we were broken up, and more.

"So you don't even know why you broke up?"

"Not really. He kind of just did it out of the blue. Never gave a reason why though."

"Hm. Maybe you should ask him. I mean, now he wants you back, but you still don't even know why he broke up with you in the first place. Just doesn't seem right to me."

I agreed. It wasn't right. I deserved an answer. So, I did decide to text him.

Me: i have a question

I immediately got a response.

Drew ex: what is it Jessaboo

That's the nickname he gave me a while ago. He rarely uses it anymore though.

Me: y did we ever brake up in the first place?

This time took longer to respond. So as I waited, I started getting ready for the big dinner party thing that was starting soon.

I changed into some regular denim short-shorts, but not high wasted because I don't really like high wasted shorts, and into a purple tank top that flowed in the back.

As I began to crimp my hair, I heard my phone go off. He finally responded.

Drew ex: idk. I guess i thought i was loosing interest in the relation ship. But once we broke up, i totally regretted it. But i thought it was too late to do anything.

I told Megan what he said.

"So, why all of a sudden he wants to fix that now?"

I shrugged.

My phone vibrated again.

Drew ex: so...will you b mine jess? Will you take me back?

"He's asking me for an answer again," I informed Megan.

"Are you gonna say yes? You still really seem to like him, and he seems like a nice guy," Megan noted.

Ugh I felt so confused inside. I really want to say yes, but something really is holding me back. But what?

"I still don't know! I mean...I still REALLY like him," I finally answered after a few minutes of silence.

"So, isn't that your answer right there?"

She was right. Shouldn't I say yes?

I had to text Drew back. I don't want him to think he scared me off or something like that.

Me: still thinking...

I finished with my hair and quickly did my make-up so Megan could get her turn in the bathroom.

When I finished, I had 15 minutes left until we had to go. I texted Connor to see how far he was with getting ready.

Me: hey im ready. Hbu?

Connor: almost. Still doing my hair. Needs to be perfect

😒 i bet you take 30 min longer on ur hair then i take to do mine

Connor: yeah ik. I can tell. Thats y my hair actually looks good. Haha jk

Me: -_- gee thx

Connor: i said i was jk!!!

Me: sure. U were totally "jk"

Connor: good. Glad we're on the same pg

Ugh he's so annoying.

Me: just hurry up miss beauty queen. We have go soon

Connor: aww so you think im beautiful. Thx


Connor: k the beauty queen is ready!

Me: meet me outside

"I'm heading out. See you later!" I yelled to Megan.

"Bye!" She yelled back.

I opened the door and saw Connor standing in the hall waiting for me.

"You ready?" He asked me.

"Yup," I responded as we made our way down to party.

"Hey, Jess..."


"You know how Drew was texting you and asked you to take him back?" Connor asked kind of blushing. It must be because he was thinking of how he was reading my private conversation, and felt embarrassed.

"Yeah...what about it?" I asked slightly suspicious.

"Well...were you...um...going to say yes?" He asked blushing a little more.

"I don't know. I think I will. Maybe. Why?"

His face hardened and the blush faded slightly. I could feel some heat radiate off him. "Well, are you sure you should? I mean, he might hurt you again."

I looked down at my feet. Is that the reason why I'm not one-hundred percent positive on taking Drew back? Do I feel like he might hurt me again?

"I don't know. He's a nice guy."

"Seems like a douche to me. He broke your heart for basically no reason."

This got me agitated. Why would he say something like that about Drew?

"He's not a douche! And he had a reason. Wasn't a good one, but at least he had one!"

"Geez, Jess, chill. I was just trying to..."

"Trying to what?" I demanded.

"Make sure you weren't setting yourself up to get hurt again I guess."

I became silent. I had no idea what to respond with. We ended up walking the rest of the way in silence.

"Hey guys!" JC welcome us as we made our way to the table filled with all of our friends.

We all got our food and talked and mingled and all. , but I couldn't stop thinking about Drew.

I guess all that thinking caused me to not talk much because JC pointed it out to me. "You've been really quiet Jess. Is something wrong?"

"Um...no," I lied.

"Jess, somethings up. I know it. Please tell me."

"Well, um, do you remember Drew?"

"Ugh. Don't tell me he's being a jerk to you again. 'Cause I will seriously hurt the guy if he is. I'll pound him right in the-"

"JC!" I immediately interrupted.

"Sorry," JC blushed a little. "I just, you know, want to make sure he's not causing any trouble for you."


"So what did he do?"

I held up my phone to him, and the screen displayed the conversation Drew and I had.


I nodded.

"Well, what are you going to say?"

"I don't know. Yes?"

"Well don't ask me. It's your decision. You need to do what you believe in."

He was right. It's should be what I think. What I feel. Exactly what I feel and exactly how I feel.


A/N: Hey sorry if this chapter didn't come out that well and was boring. I'm kind of at a writers block right now. Comment and vote! :)

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