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I opened my eyes from my deep sleep. I slowly blinked as I became aware of my surroundings.

I sat up and inched over to the small door to the tent and opened it quietly since Paige was still sleeping.

I poked my head out and looked up at the sky. It was full of stars indicating it was still night. I decided to completely crawl out of the tent to get a better look at them.

When I stood, I felt the brisk coolness of the night suddenly hit any exposed skin. I shivered slightly and wrapped my arm around the other.

I looked up at the sky and looked at the stars. They were so bright and so gorgeous. They looked as beautiful as the night on the ship. The last night on the ship.

"Still just as pretty here, huh?" a familiar voice asked me about the stars.

I nodded while turning to face the direction from where the voice came from.

"I didn't realize you were awake too," I told Connor.

From what I could see in the little light we had, his hair was pretty messy and he had a blanket wrapped around him.

"Of course, it's like a habit now, waking up in the middle of the night and coming outside to wander. You cold?" he asked.

"I little," I responded as he wrapped his arm the had a blanket draped over it around my shoulder. "Thanks."

"No problem. I mean, I'm too nice of a guy to let you freeze."

I playfully punched his arm and rolled my eyes.

"Sure," I said sarcastically.

"Uh, whatever," he said with a valley girl accent while flipping his non-existent weave.

I laughed.

It soon became awkwardly silent which caused me to start to think. Think and worry.

"Connor, do you think we'll make it and be ok until help arrives? Like, honestly, do you?" I said braking the silence.

"Well, we've doing pretty good already, right? So, i have no doubt we can keep it up until help arrives," he assured me.

I nodded still concerned. Of course I was still worried, so many things could happen. Bad things.

Pulled my in closer to him which was his way of telling me that it was going to be ok.

I looked up at him and saw he was smiling. I looked into his deep set of grey eyes. They looked gorgeous in this natural night lighting.

He looked into my dark brown eyes too, then down at my lips for a quick second, and back to my eyes. I felt our heads get closer as hid arm slid down to my waist slowly as I turned my body to face him. Our faces got so close that our breaths mixed. I bit my lower lip gently as I kept staring into his eyes. His lips parted slightly and he stared into mine. Gawd he was so attractive.

We leaned in closer and closer until our lips touched. He other hand rested on the other side of my waist and he pulled me in closer.

His mouth moved in different directions slowly, and I followed his lead. I felt sparks fly as I kissed him.

It gave me a warm feeling inside that traveled throughout my body, like I would soon melt to a puddle on the ground.

I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and raised myself onto the balls of my feet to get closer to his height.

I wanted this moment to last forever.

No one has made me feel this way in a kiss before except for...Drew.

I pulled away feeling ashamed. I know Drew and I weren't official yet, but I still felt like a was betraying him.

He gave me a confused look.

"S-sorry I j-just-," I stuttered. "I'm gonna go back to my tent."

His hands dropped to his side as his face stayed confused.. I slid the blanket of my shouldered and walked away shivering. It was still go cold out. I crawled into the tent leaving Connor standing alone.

I curled in a ball on the floor and closed my eyes trying to fall asleep. Of course I couldn't though, my brain kept thinking of Connor. I thought hard about what just happened and all I could think of was, why; why did we kiss?

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