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So, here's the new chapter. Hope you like it.

Also a little eye candy ;) I love her acting! <3


The next morning was better than the previous one. I had a nice breakfast and got dressed elegantly. I started flipping through magazine while waiting for Alec to pick me up. He had strongly ordered me not to take cab for work as he'll pick me up.

The doorbell rang and I ran to the door with my bag. Alec led me to the car after giving me a kiss on the lips. We listened to the radio in the car the whole ride to the office.

"What are you doing? Someone will see us." I argued with him as he intertwined our hands together.

"So what? I don't care. If they want to see they can see." He said with a flat face which then turned into a smirk and then he said, "As far as I can remember you told the gossip bitch yesterday that we are dating. So I think the whole office will be expecting to us together."

"That's not funny." He chuckled as I elbowed him.

And he was right. Nobody looked surprised at as we entered together hand in hand. I would have killed to see the look on the gossip bitch's, Mandy, face. I could see a tint of jealousy in most of the women and a hint of sadness in some of the men. But I didn't care. I could care less like Alec had said; I was starting to ignore what people think of me.

The days passed by as usual. We spent all the day in the office working together and at night we'd go for a romantic dinner. We had been dating for almost two months when Alec said something to me that made me nervous to my very core.

"Come on, it is just a dinner." Alec argued with me; when I denied his offer. I kept on shaking my head in a 'no'. "My mother wants to meet to you. She remembers that she asked you to visit her but you didn't. She told me when I told her about us." He added as I raised my eyebrow.

"Don't you think we've been moving too fast?" I asked with concern. "We have been together for what like almost two months and we've already shared our darkest secret with each other. And now you've mentioned about meeting the parents. I am not ready. Don't you think that's very fast?"

"Honey I like it fast." He winked at me and I blushed after realizing what he had meant. I elbowed him slightly hard in the ribs. "And by the way you say as if we are in high school and I'm taking you to meet my parents" He scoffed at me. "Fine, be that way. But don't bother me if my mother shows up at your door asking you why you don't want to come over for dinner."

At first I thought he was joking but the seriousness in his tone and on his face left me worried while he went back to his work. He told me to dress up nice at night as he is going to take me to his favorite place.

I was dressed nice and elegant waiting for him to show up. He was five minutes late and he's never been late. When the doorbell rang I ran to the door and flung myself onto the person standing in the doorway. Before I could register the fact that he was not Alec and move away, the person spoke.

"Aww, did you miss me that much? You should have called me and asked me to come over." I heard Brandon's mocking tone instead of Alec's as I was expecting.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped at him, getting frustrated at why Alec hadn't showed up yet.

"Why? Aren't you happy to see me?" He mocked me again. "I just came by to drop these and ask you to come over but I am going to consider it again."

"Yeah yeah... just give me these and go away." I said as I took the packets from his hands. Fortunately, they both had decided for me to distribute the cards for their wedding considering I didn't help with most of the stuff because I was busy with Alec.

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